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Taxonomic studies on Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Myanmar II: seven new species from Myanmar


This paper presents the result of consecutive floristic survey in Myanmar. Seven new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae), B. casseabri Y.H.Tan, M.B.Maw & H.B.Ding, B. persistens Y.H.Tan, M.B.Maw & H.B.Ding, B. latibracteata Y.H.Tan, M.B.Maw & H.B.Ding from Putao District, Kachin State, B. natmataungensis Y.H.Tan, M.B.Maw & H.B.Ding from Natma Taung National Park, Chin State, B. amnicola Y.H.Tan, M.B.Maw & H.B.Ding, B. sagaingensis Y.H.Tan, M.B.Maw & H.B.Ding and B. chindwinensis Y.H.Tan, M.B.Maw & H.B.Ding from Htamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary, Sagaing Region, are described and illustrated. All of the new species belongs to Begonia section Platycentrum (Klotzsch) A.DC. Detailed descriptions, colored photographs, habitat and distribution data for the seven new species are provided. A diagnostic key to species of Begonia sect. Platycentrum in Myanmar is presented.


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MAW, M. B., HEIN, K. Z., NAING, M. K., YU, W. B., & TAN, Y. H. (2023). Taxonomic studies on Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Myanmar III: Begonia kayinensis (sect. Monophyllon), a remarkable new species from Kayin State, Southern Myanmar. TAIWANIA, 68(4), 407-411+s1. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2023.68.407
DING, H. B., HU, X. R., GONG, Y. X., LI, Y. K., LIU, H. Z., LUO, G. Q., & TAN, Y. H. (2022). Begonia longlingensis, a new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Yunnan, China. TAIWANIA, 67(3), 377-379+s1. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2022.67.377
CAI, L., HE, D. M., HUANG, T. W., DAO, Z. L., & WANG, W. G. (2022). Begonia erythrofolia, a new species of Begoniaceae from southeastern Yunnan, China. TAIWANIA, 67(1), 110-114. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2022.67.110
