  • 期刊


Study on the Adaptability of Seed Flax Varieties to Different Sowing Date


1.本試驗以由美國引進之種子亞麻Punjab 47, Punjab 53, Argentine C.I. 463及Red Wood等4品種爲材料,於45/46及46/4年期,在嘉義舉行試驗,測定種子亞麻在本省之播種適期,進而研究在本省栽培之可能性。 2.各品種均由10月中旬至翌年2月底,每隔1個月播種1次,計共8期,試驗結果指出,亞麻種子以11月中旬播種者產量最高,延至1月播種,則產量驟降,亞麻原莖以10月中旬播種者爲佳,播種期延遲,則其產量亦將逐期遞減。 3.由於本省亞麻,適於冬播春收,亞麻生長期間,日長漸減,氣溫先降而復升之影響,由春播區引進之各亞麻品種,均呈現極度之0遲熟,11月中播種者,生長期長達150天左右,因之其栽培,似不能如現行栽培之早熟纖維亞麻品種臺中選1號之利用中部一帶兩期作水田,行冬季裡作,勢須向灌溉便利之第1期軍作田區域謀求發展,或試行蔗田間作。 4.引進之各種子亞麻,品種均着生側枝,其數目之多少,除品種間不同外,亦因播種期之早遲而有無或增減,與萌果數間亦有程度不高之正相關存在,麻株著果數之多少,與種子產量間之關係,各品種各期之表現,在方向及程度上均不一致。




This experiment was carried out in 1956/57 and 1957/58 in order to find out the most appropriate sowing time of seed-flax varieties and their possibility of growing in Taiwan. Four seed-flax varieties introduced from the United States were used and sown from mid-October to late January at the intervals of 15 days. From the results of experiment, the highest yield of seed was obtained from flax sown in mid-November. Sharp drop in seed yield would occur when sowings were made after January. It would be decreased gradually as the sowing time delayed. Due to the effect of shortening of day length and lowering of temperature in flax growing period, all the varieties sown from late October to mid-November would be matured about 150 days. Consequently it is impossible for cultivation of those varieties in. Winter fallow time of paddy field between two crops of rice as the substitute of the current fiber-flax variety, Taichung No.1. They may be grown in certain area around Central Taiwan where second single rice crop is prevailed.


