  • 期刊


Observations on Biology of Casmara Patrona Meyrick in Taiwan


1.本蟲對本省茶樹爲害,早在民國31~32年間於於魚池鄉、原中野農區,曾度嚴重發生一次,目前分佈情形以魚池一帶Assam茶園爲主,至於北部的部份茶區亦有輕度發生,本蟲至目前爲止僅知其加害茶樹枝條。 2.茶木堀蛾以年發生一代,其一代需越兩年,成蟲於5~6月間盛行出現,然幼蟲在7~9月間爲爲害盛期,其幼蟲在枝條內爲害時期可達10~11個月,被害枝葉部份,成枯萎現象。 3.爲害與環境經調查當茶樹生育較差,而陽光照射充足與避風之茶園其爲害較甚,故木蟲之發生與溫濕度,風勢等因素關係甚大,成轟趨光性強。 4.其各期態所經日數爲成蟲5~8天,蛹爲22~30天,幼蟲爲10~11個月,卵至孵化約需15~20天。 5.產卵與幼蟲囓入位置,成蟲產卵位置多半在春茶萌芽新梢上之節間,當孵化後之幼蟲當天即在產卵處囓入表皮,往木質部加害,亦有剛孵化幼蟲爲另尋易於囓入場所,而更換位置於腋芽處囓入,幼蟲一旦囓食木質部後由侵入處往下段加害,爲害初期成旋廻狀,漸後成細長隧道,同時以後退方式上下來回其間,加寬隧道。 6.茶樹經遭害後之枝條均告乾枯,不僅直接影響產量,同時無形中減少樹冠面積(即茶菁採摘面減小),烈害時由於茶園管理欠善,樹勢衰弱,亦致茶園缺株導因




1, The attack of Casmara Patrona Meyrick on tea of Chung-Yeh farm. Yuchi, Nantou from 1942 to 1943 was depressed by a campaign. but its remains might be the generator of the pest now on Assam tea around Yuchi. While lesser damage is caused by it on tea fields of northern part of Taiwan. 2, Of this insect there is one generation in an year. The adult of it occur from May to June and larvae are active in boring tea branches for 10 to 11 monthes. It makes most of the branches dying away. 3, The activity of this Kind of insect is influenced by the environment: weak tea bushes, enough san light and leeward position are favorable for the insect which tends the direction of light. 4, The periods of the stages of its life cycle are: Adult 5 to 8 days, pupa 22 to 30 days, larva 10 to 11 monthes and egg 15 to 20 days. 5, The larvae attack tea branches by way of: most of the eggs are laid on the browse of early spring, on the day of hatch the tiny larvae gnaw on the spot or from axillary buds into the wood, They make a tunnel downward then gnaw to and. fro in the tunnel, make it wider. 6. Aftea the attack of Casmara patrona Meyrick the injured branches o to death, Tea bushes become weak by heavy damage and it play a part of the missing buckes of tea farm.





