  • 期刊

Effects of Planting Density on Yield Components of Rice



嘉義農業試驗分所於民國53年第1期作舉辦栽植密度對水稻產量構成因素影響之試驗並得下列結果。 嘉農242號及嘉南8號水稻每株谷粒產量均隨栽植密度之增加而減少,尤以後者爲甚。惟嘉農242號水稻之單位面積谷粒產量却隨栽植密度之提高而增加,而嘉南8號則減少。每株穗數亦具有類似每株谷產量之反應。每穗粒數因密植而減少,但百粒重則稍增。 每株谷粒產量及其構成因素彼此間之關係,隨栽植密度而改變,每株穗數與谷粒產量具有極顯著之正相關,嘉農242號之相關係數,因密值而增大,而嘉南8號則因密植而變小。每株穗數與每穗粒數及百粒重之間成負相關,其關係以密植處理者爲密切。每穗粒數與每株谷粒產量亦成正相關,但百粒重與每株谷粒產量之間卻無顯著之相關關係。 每株穗教爲決定每株谷位產量之最重要因素,每穗位數次之。百粒重對每株谷粒產量之直接影響甚微。剩餘因素尚能決定12至55%之產量變異。




Experimental results of two rice varieties, Chianung 242 and Chianan 8, planted at two spacing treatments in the first crop of 1964 at Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station are reported. Grain yield per hill decreased with increased population density, with Chianan 8 decreasing at a higher rate than Chianung 242. However, per unit area grain yield increased in Chianung 242, while that of Chianan 8 decreased at higher population density. A similar trend prevailed also in number of panicles per hill. Number of grains per panicle decreased whereas 100-grain weight increased at higher population density. The relationships among the 3 variables changed with spacing. Number of panicles per hill was positively associated with grain yield per hill, the correlation coefficients being highly significant. The magnitude of the correlation coefficients was reduced in Chianan 8 but increased in Chianung 242 with increased population density. Number of panicles per hill showed higher negative correlations with number of grains per panicle and 100-grain weight at high population density. Number of grains per panicle was also positively correlated with grain yield per hill. Weight of 100 grains was not significantly associated with grain yield per hill. Examination of the direct influence of yield components on grain yield per hill indicated that the number of panicles per hill was the most important character affecting grain yield per hill, and the number of grains per panicle ranked next. Weight of 100 grains had little direct influence on grain yield per hill. Residual factor appeared to have affected about 12 to 55% of the variation in grain yield per hill.


