  • 期刊

臺灣秈稻與稉稻之特性硏究1. 1960年以前之栽培品種

Studies on the Agronomic Characteristics of Taiwanese Sen and Ponlai Rice Varieties 1. Cultivated Varieties before 1960


水稻是臺灣主要的糧食作物,其中包括蓬萊稻與在來稻。兩者之間,某些性狀有顯著的差異,但有些特性可能無顯著的差異。本研究利用臺灣省農業試驗所保存稻種,蓬萊稻414種,在來稻397種,爲供試材料,先調查各品種的特性,再行統訓分析,以比較蓬萊稻與在來稻兩類型的差異,玆將研究結果摘要如下: (1)蓬萊稻第一期作栽培面積佔水稻栽培面積之64%第二期作佔69%;而在來稻栽培面積分別佔36%與31%。 (2)無論第一期作第二期作,在來稻的植株比蓬萊稻高;而同一品種第一期作比第二期作高,但第二期作的在來稻其勿期性的品種與二期性的品種間無顯著的差異。 (3)一期性的在來稻與蓬萊稻的有效分蘗數,無論在第一期作或第二期作均無顯著的差異,唯第一期作的分蘗數概比第二期作多。就第二期作約在來稻而言,二期性的品種其分蘗數較一期性的品種多。 (4)蓬萊稻的葉色較濃綠,而在來稻的葉色較淡。在414種蓬萊稻中,濃綠者佔86.71%,綠色佔13.29%,而在來稻397種中,濃綠僅佔1.01%,綠色佔13.29%,淡綠色佔25.94%。 (5)有關色素所影響的性狀;如莖基色、柱頭色、稃尖色、稃色(穎色)等,品種間雖有差異,但蓬萊稻與在來稻間的差異不顯著,大部分的品種均屬無色,唯成熟期的稃尖色,蓬萊的有色品種顯比在來稻多。 (6)大部分的蓬萊稻其穗重介於3gm至5gm間,而在來稻有87%左右的品種,其穗重介於2gm至4gm之間,蓬萊稻的稻穗顯然比在來稻爲重。(7)芒雖爲品種的特性之一,但並不隱定,其間由於環境不同,變異性很大,同一品種,於不同的地方或時期栽培,在芒長,或有芒稻穀的百分率可能不同。大部份蓬萊稻與在來稻的品種均屬無芒種,其間無太大的差異。 (8)蓬萊稻與在來稻對於抗病性有極明顯的差異,抗幼苗稻熱病方面,蓬萊稻414種中,感病有406種,佔98%,但在來稻中感病者僅佔10%左右,中惑到中抗者佔18%,而抗病者則佔72%,抗病紋枯病方面,在普通肥料下,在來稻亦較蓬萊稻強。罹病率在0-10間者(抗紋桔病),蓬萊稻有158種(40%),在來稻則有268種(70%)。 (9)在普通的肥料下,大部分的在來稻容易倒伏,而蓮萊稻則不易倒伏。 (10)對於抗氣酸鉀的強弱,蓬萊稻與在來稻間有顯著的不同,大部份的蓬萊稻抗毒(氣酸鉀)性較強,而在稻的抗毒性較弱,亦即蓬萊稻的耐旱性弱,在來稻的耐旱性強。 (11)一般而言,蓬萊稻之穀粒形狀較在來稻短圓,大部分的蓬萊稻介於髓圓形與中長形之間(寬幅比1.50-2.50)而在來稻的穀粒形狀則多半爲中長形及長形(寬幅比2.01-3.00)。 (12)同一品種無論在來稻或蓬萊稻,第一期作的生育日數概比第二期作長。第一期作蓬萊稻的生育日數比在來稻長,但在第二期作蓬萊稻的生育日數反較在來稻爲短。




Paddy rice is the staple food crop in Taiwan, in which Ponlai and Sen varieties of rice are involved. So called Ponlai belongs to the Japonica type, while Sen belongs to Indica type of rice. In this paper, 414 Ponlai and 397 Sen varieties preserving in the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute were used to study the differences of various agroonmic characteristics between these two types of rice. In 1964. the total area of paddy rice at first-crop-season was more than 308,000 ha, of which Ponlai and Sen varieties were 64% and 36% respectively. At the second-crop-season, the total area was more than 403,000 ha, of which Ponlai and Sen varieties were 69% and 31% respectively. The plant height of Sen type was generally higher than that of Ponlai type. Both Sen and Ponlai varieties at the first-crop-season were relatively higher in plant height than that at the second-crop-season. However, at the second-crop-season, the plant height between photosensitive and non-photosensitive Sen varieties were non-significant difference. The number of tillers between Sen and Ponlai rice varieties were non-significant difference both at the first and the second-crop-season. More tillers at the first-crop-season, however, were found comparing with that at the second-crop-season. The leaf-blade coloration of Ponlai varieties were darker than that of the Sen varieties. Among 414 varieties of Ponlai, the deep-green and green leaf-blade varieties were 86.7% and 13.29% respectively. While among 397 Sen varieties, only 1.01% were deep-green, and the green and light green varieties were 73.29% and 25.94% respectively. Anthocyanin colorations at apiculus, stigma, lemma and palea, and basal portion of culm were very little difference between Ponlai and Sen varieties, though the colored apiculus at maturing stage was more frequently observed in Ponlai varieties. Most of Ponlai varieties were heavier in the panicle weight than that of Sen varieties, ranging from 5 to 3 gram while most of the Sen varieties were between 2 and 4 gram. Both Ponlai and Sen varieties were awnless. However, the diseases resistance to rice blast and sheath blight spot between these two types were quite different. In the Ponlai group, 98% of rice varieties were susceptible to rice blast; but only 10% of Sen varieties were susceptible. For the sheath blight spot, Sen varieties also showed lower percentage of infection than Ponlai varieties. Under the ordinary fertilization, 90% of Ponlai varieties were erect and 10% were bending at the maturing stage. However only 12% of Sen varieties were erect, 40% bending, and 48% lodging. Most of the Ponlai varieties showed slightly injury to potassium chlorate which treated on seedlings, while most of the Sen varieties died after the treatment. The length/width ratio of rice grain was larger in Sen varieties (2,01-3.00) than that of Ponlai varieties (1.51-2.50). The growth period from transplanting to heading at the first-crop-season was longer than that at second-crop-season for both Ponlai and Sen varieties. The Ponlai varieties showed longer growth period than those of Sen varieties at the first-crop-season. The reverse was true in the second-season.




