  • 期刊


Study on the Identification of Citrus Rootstock Species by Color Reaction Method-Ⅰ. Color Reaction of Root Bark


以枳殼、Gaogan lemon、廣東㰀檬、苦柚、南庄橙、酸桔、Cleopatra及扁實檸檬等之根皮粉末浸出液爲材料,研究其對水銀劑、鉬酸劑、三氯化鈦及氯化第二鐵等4種試藥之呈色反應,促進老柑桔株採用砧木種類之鑑別工作,以利柑桔長壽命因子之探究。 1.各種類砧木對每試藥均現出獨特之呈色反應,依每種溶液之色調、濃度及對各波長之透光率,略可鑑別砧木種類。 2.根皮粉末浸出液對各種試藥之呈色反應遲鈍,溶液淡,反應色少,僅據1種試藥,較難以肉眼識別,須重複採用兩種以上之試藥,始得鑑別各砧木種類。 3.每種浸出液加試藥後對分光光度計各波長之透光曲線,亦可作鑑別柑桔砧木種類之重要依據。 供試各種砧木種類根皮粉末浸出液對各種試藥呈色反應,及其對分光光度計透光曲線之特性,詳見本文。




Quick identification for species of rootstocks in an orchard is a useful technique in the citrus rootstock studies. Root bark extracts of various species of citrus rootstocks listed below are treated with four kinds of chemical reagents, namely: 1) Modified Almen reagent, 2) Molybdic acid reagent, 3) Titaneous trichloride and 4) Ferric chloride. Citrus species tested: Poncirus trifoliata Raf. Citrus medica L. var. gaoganensis Tanaka C. limonia Osbeck C. grandis Osbeck C. taiwanica Tanaka et Shimada C. Sunki Sakurai C. Reshni Hort. et Tanaka C. Depressa Hayata Following findings are summarized from the experiments on the reactions among various extracts to different chemical reagents: 1. Each kind of solution made by adding a chemical reagent to an extract of a particular rootstock species showed a specific color, its hue and degree of saturation, and a specific transmission to the light of each particular wave length. By the specific coloration and light transmission characteristic of each kind of solution, one could identify what species of rootstock was a solution made from. 2. Root bark extracts were less sensitive to those reagents, the colors of such extracts were light. The range of color variation showed among different species of root bark extracts were narrow. Therefore, duplicate extract samples treated with more than one kind of reagent were usually necessary in order to make dependable identification of species. 3. Specific property in spectrophotometric transmission curve of each species of extract after treated with a reagent was another feature which could be based on in making identification of the species. The characteristics of coloration of each species of extract treated with each kind of reagent and the characteristics of the transmission curve to spectrophotometer of each kind of solution among various combinations between rootstock species and reagents are given in detail in the text of this report.


