  • 期刊


Studies on Some Growth Inhibiting Factors of Latosolic Paddies Newly Converted from Tea Plantation in Shieh-Mun Dam Irrigation Areas


本試驗爲究明石門水庫灌溉區內,經由紅壤茶園改作之新開田低產原因,並冀求得提高單位面積產量之肥培改善措施。於民國59年及60年辦理田間試驗,以探討肥料效應,土壤及無機養分吸收特性。玆將所得結果摘要如下: 1.供試田土壤係強酸性之磚紅化紅壤,地力概屬貧瘠,置換能量在12me/100g soil,鹽基含量少,對磷酸之比較吸收力特強,所施之磷肥易被吸收固定,其土壤磷酸之蓄積型態則結合能較大的Fe型磷與Occluded型等之難溶磷佔絕大部分,故Bray第一法所得之有效性磷量在低級標準而屬於缺磷。醋酸緩衝液可溶提之有效態矽酸含量在4mg SiO2/100g soil以下,亦屬於缺矽。 2.茶園轉作田之水稻生育,在生育初期即呈衰弱狀,株高較矮,分蘗少,莖葉細狹,葉身呈濃綠色而有較硬感,且似缺乏彈性,至生殖生長期後,共一穗粒數之形成與稔實受阻,穀粒較小且硬,多呈棕褐色,千粒重較輕。 3.水稻之磷素含量與施磷增產效果間之關係,供試田無磷區之藥稈磷素含量皆在臨界濃度以下,介於0.046%至0.076%間,磷肥慣用量之加倍施用即150公斤P2O5/ha,能大幅增加含磷量而得極顯著的增產;59年第一期作平均得57%,第二期作平均得46%之增產。施磷量增多至250公斤並行分施時,藥稈含磷量之增加有限而未能得預期的增產效果。 4.矽酸鈣之加施,能增加藁稈之矽酸含量而得極顯著的增產;59年第一二期作比對照區平均各得11.8%及10.7%之增產;60年第一二期作亦平均各得13.0%及9.8%之增產。其增產效果乃爲一穗粒數、稔實率及千粒重等收量構成要素之顯著增進使然。 5.堆肥之加施,亦得很顯著的增產效應;59年第一期作比對照區得4%至18%,第二期作平均得4%之增產;60年第一、二期作平均各得3.2%及4.6%之增產,由無機養分含量觀之,堆肥之施用顯然可增加藁稈矽酸含量。 6.矽酸鈣與堆肥之併用,增產效果更顯著;59年第一、二期作比對照區平均各得23.5%及14.1%之增產,60年第一二期作平均各得21.1%及16.7%之增產。故茶園轉作田之肥培改善措施,除施用多量磷肥(150公斤P2O5/ha.)之外,矽酸鈣及堆肥之加施,更能提高其單位面積產量。




In attempt to clear the cause of low productivity and find out the efficient fertilization of latosolic paddies newly converted from tea plantation in Shieh-Mun Dam irrigation areas, field trials were carried out during the crop seasons of 1970 and 1971. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The tested paddy soils recently converted from upland conditions are reddish brown latosols which are strongly acidic and relatively low in fertility. It is characterized by large capacity of fixation of phosphorous and quick transition of applied phosphorous to firmly combined compounds, of which insoluble-P and Fe-P occupy more than 90 per cent. Consequently the available amount of soil phosphorous is extremely low. Silica content extractable with pH 4.0 acetate-buffer solution is also very low, being below 4 mg SiO2/l00g soil. 2. The rice plants grown in this soil are showing short plant height, few tillers, and narrow dark green leaves. At the reproductive stage the formation of spikelets per ear and maturity are apparently inhibited. The spikelets are rather small and mostly in dark brown color, thus resulting in low 1,000 grain weight. 3. The poor growth of paddies in this soil is primarily due to extreme defficiency of phosphorous; P content in straw ranged from 0.046% to 0.076%. Application of phosphorous at the rate of 150 kg P2O5/ha. markedly raised the P content in straw and gave remarkable grain yield increase ; the increases of grain yield in average were 57 % in the first crop and 46% in the second crop in 1970. However, at the rate of P2O5, 250kg/ha. with split application gave no increase in yield. 4. Additional supply of calcium silicate gave a substantial increases of grain yield, primarily due to marked increase in panicle weight and 1,000 grain weight. The increases were 11.8% and 10.7% in the first and second crops in 1970, and were 13.0% and 9.8% respectively in 1971. 5. Application of compost was also beneficial, giving consistent yield increase of 3% to 4% than that of check in both 1970 and 1971. It seemed that compost was an important source of silica supply. 6. The additional use of calcium silicate with compost showed marked effect on grain production; comparing with check, increases were 23.5% and 14.1% respectively in the first and second crops in 1970, and they were 21.1% and 16.7% respectively in the two crops of 1971.




