

有機汞劑因殘留毒性問題,自全面停止使用後,急需探求非有機汞劑之稻種消毒效果,以代替有機汞劑,乃舉辦本試驗。所得結果簡述如下: 非有機汞劑供試者爲Folcidin, Benlate, Thiophamine,及Benlate T-20等四種,於室內測定浸漬消毒對稻作主要三種病原菌之囊育抑制效果。得知對P yricularia or yzae之發育皆有良好的抑制效果,但對Cochliobolus miyabeanus之發育抑制效果較差。如果僅對Gibberella fujikuroi之消毒,應浸漬4小時以上方能見效。另如應用拌種方法,可利用Folcidin, Benlate及Benlate T-20,其用藥量以1.0%爲高適當。 田間試驗係針對測之怕苗徒長病之消毒效果,用浸漬消毒方法,以Folcidin, Benlate, Benlate T-20之1,000倍,浸漬4小時之防冶效果較佳,另Homai 200倍浸漬12小時之防治效果亦優。




This experiment is aimed at searching for fungicides of non-mercuric compounds instead of mercuric compounds which were prohibited to use on account of their ra3idue problem. The results are summarized as follows: Four non-mercuric compounds of Folcidin, Benlate, Thiphamine and Benlate T-20 were tested in laboratory for their disinfection effect on the inhibition of pathogen development of Pyricularia or yzae, Cochliobolus miyabeanus and Gibberella fujikuroi respectively. The data showed that any of the 4 chemicals could inhibit the development of P. or yzae, but less effect on Cochliobolus miyabeanus. For control of G. fujikuroi, it needs more than 4 hours of immersion treatment to get better result. In addition, either the chemicals of Folcidin, Benlate or Benlate T-20 can be mixed with rice seeds to get good control of the fungi at the concentration of 1%. The field experiment was designed to test the effect of chemicals on G. fujikuroi. The results showed that the treatment of 4 hours immersion with Folcidin, Dor1lac, or Benlate T-20 at the concentration of 0.1% obtained good control of the disease. The chemical of Homai, however, the best result was come out from the treatment of 12 hours immersion in the 200 times diluted solution.




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