  • 期刊

臺灣主要蔬菜產區土壤微量要素供應狀況之研究 Ⅰ硼

Study on Micronutrients Content of the Soils from Main Vegetable Growing Areas in Taiwan Ⅰ. Boron


探取本省主要蔬菜產區土壤共61種,經土壤一般生質及含硼量測定後,選取性質及含硼量差距較大之土壤共30種,在網室盆栽蔬菜,分施硼與不施硼兩處理,以花椰菜及萵苣爲指示作物,觀察硼對蔬菜生長及產量之影響。由本試驗結果知本省蔬菜產區土壤含硼量一般均低,其熱水溶 含量在0.5 ppm以下者約佔8.%。但蔬菜在種植過程中並未發生缺硼徴象,施硼與否對產量亦無顯著影響,雖植物體中硼含量確因施硼而增加,其Ca/B比亦因而減低。土壤中硼含量與其他土壤性質之關係因土壤PH值不同而異:當PH在6.5以下時,其含硼量與土壤PH值,有機物含量及土壤質地關係最爲密切;當土壤PH在6.6以上時,則受土壤PH,有效性磷、鉀含量影響最大。




This study was carried out to investigate the micronutrients content and supplying power of the soils from the main vegetable growing areas in Taiwan. The micronutrient studied in the first year was boron. Sixty-one soils were collected from different vegetable growing areas all over this island. After analyzing its properties, thirty were selected for pot experiment. Califlower and lettuce was used as the indicator plants. It was plantcd in plastic pots and irrigated with demineralized water. Two treatments, with and without boron (10kgs/ha as borax) replicated twice, a total of 120 pots were arranged in two rows according to the randomized complete block design in the green house. The fertilizers applied were the same for both treatments. The following results have been obtained: 1. Hot H2O-soluble boron content of the 30 soils used in this study ranged from 0.1 to 1.75ppm, 24 of them were below 0.5ppm. Thus most of the vegetable growing soils in Taiwan are low in boron content. 2. When soil pH is higher than 6.6, hot H2O-soluble boron content is positively correlated with soil pH, available phosphorus and potassium content of the soil; when soil pH is lower than 6.5, H2O-soluble boron is positively correlated with soil pH, organic matter and silt content of the soil. 3. No boron deficiency or toxicity symptoms occured during the growth of these vegetables, nor did the application of boron affected its yield. 4. plant analysis data indicated that the boron content of lettuce leaf was increased by 17 percent, and the Ca/B ratio decreased 25 percent as a result of the supply of boron to the soil. This shows that plant in the borax treated soil really absorbed more boron than the untreated ones.


