  • 期刊


Performance of F1 Hybrids of Soybeans


本試驗係利用10個具不同株高、成熟期、抗銹病性、種子大小及來源的親本雜交,所得12個組合之F1爲利料,研究F1雜種與較優親本間重要農藝性狀之差異,及其純雜種優勢(heter-obeltiosis),供未來發展雜種大豆的參考。 十二個組合之F1雜種,其全株乾重、粒重、分枝數、莢數、粒數等五性狀,平均較親本增加24~62%,經差異顯著性測驗結果顯示,有10(或83%)個組合F1的全株乾重,58%F1的粒重,50%F1的分枝數、莢數及粒數,均顯著的優於較優親本。該五性狀之純雜種優勢,依序爲1~57%(平均爲25%),10~61%(30%),14~137%(66%),11~48%(27%)及5~47%(31%)。但F1雜種的百粒重,多顯著的比較優親本低,平均低13%。因之,本試驗中最易獲得純雜種優勢的陸狀爲全株乾重,而最難獲得的爲百粒重。 各F1之八性狀與較優親本的差異,亦頗不一致。C-5組合之F1,有7或87.5%之性狀優於較優親本,其純雜種優勢爲3~66%,成爲本試驗中最佳之雜交組合,而C-6及C-12等二組合F1之性狀。則全不如較優親本。又F1全株乾重純雜種優勢的高低,與各該組合內超過較優觀性狀數日的多少,有平行的關係。 資料更顯示,親本百粒重的大小,與F1粒重的純雜種優勢角密切的關係。即凡(百粒重重者×輕者)之七個雜交組合,其F1之粒下均具正的純雜種優勢(10~61%),而(百粒重重×重),及(百粒重重×中重)之五個雜交組合,其F1之粒重皆爲負的純雜種優勢(-45~-4%)。此等結果,充分顯示F1性狀表現的不穩性,以及選擇正確的親本及雜交組合,爲獲得F1粒重純雜種優勢之重要關鍵。




Twelve crosses were made from 10 parents differing in origin, height, seed size, maturity and resistance to rust disease to compare the performance of F1 plants with that of high parents and to determine the high-parent heterosis (heterobeltisosis, or HSP). Eight characters were measured and all statistics were analysed on an individual plant basis. Results showed that 10 crosses had higher total plant dry weight, 7 had higher seed weight per plant and 6 had more numbers of branches, pods and seeds per plant than the parents. HSP for the above 5 characters were 1-57% (average 25%), 10-61% (30%), 14-137% (66%), 11-48% (27%) and 4-47% (31%), respectively. However, 100-seed weight of F1 hybrids from 10 crosses was significantly lower than that of the high parents. In 7 characters studied, cross No. 5 (C-5) performed better than the high parent with HSP of 3-36% and was thus considered the best cross in this expeiment. Crosses C-4, C-7 and C-11 were superior to their high parents in 6 characters with HSP ranged from 1 to 128%. However, C-6 and C-12 failed to show any HSP. Furthermore, a good agreement between the intensity of F1's HSP for total plant dry weight and the number of characters better performed was found. The diversity in seed size of parents was positively correlated with the HSP for F1 hybrids' seed weight per plant. Crosses involving parents with large and small seeds (large× small) resulted in positive HSP whereas large × large and large x medium crosses gave only negative HSP in F1 population. Results suggested that the obtaining of high HSP for seed weight per plant lies in the ability to find correct parents and crosses.


