  • 期刊


Cowpea Aphid-borne Mosaic Virus and Its Effect on the Yield and Quality of Asparagus Bean


一種引起長豇豆葉片嚴重嵌紋病徵的毒素病廣泛發現於本省各主要栽培區。罹病植株生長不良,枝葉稀疏,開花及結莢率顯著降低,豆莢較正常株者略短,種子數亦較少。試驗證實此病乃由一種屬於PVY羣之長絲狀病毒感染所致。病毒粒子長度約750nm。可經由機械接種及桃蚜(Myzus persicae Sulze)以非永續型方式傳播。病株所生種子帶毒率約爲4.7%。病毒粗汁液之耐熱性爲55-60℃,耐稀釋性爲10^(-4)-10^(-5),於20℃下感染力可保持7-8天。此病毒可感染豌豆等大多數之荳科植物,對茄科的煙草(Nicotiana tabacum),N. debnyii及N. sylvestris可於接種葉造成黃化斑點,對N. rustica及N. bensamiana則造成系統性斑紋病徵,見科之千日紅(Gomphrena globosa)可於接種葉產生黃化斑點,藜科的Chenopodium amarantocolor,Ch. quinoa及Ch. mulare均可做爲本病毒之檢定用局部病斑寄主。上述特性與文獻中所記載的更豆蚜媒嵌紋病毒(Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus,簡稱CAMV)極爲類似,且應用SDS免疫擴散反應與美國之CAMV抗原比較結果,證實二者血清學特陸完全相同(serologically identical),故確定二者乃相同之病毒。網室栽培之情況下,本省長豇豆之主要品種一青皮黑仁紫尖感染CAMV後每株之豆莢數、種子數及二者之乾重均明顯下降,與不接種對照株間達極顯著之差異(P=0.01),但病株每一豆莢之長度、乾重、所含種子數及種子平均重量則與健株無顯著差異。




A virus causing severe mosaic on asparagus bean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruwirth) was found widespread in several major production areas in Taiwan. The virus was transmitted mechanically to 9 species in Leguminosae, including pea, mungbean and soybean, but failed to infect peanut and broadbean. In Solanaceae, Nicotiana tabacum cv. Vam-Hicks, N. debnyii and N. sylvestris were infected with the production of local faint chlorotic spots whereas on N. bensamiana and N. rustica systemic mottles were observed. Local lesions were formed on several other plant species including Chenopodi urn amaranticolor, C. quinoa, C. mulare and Gomphrena globosa. The virus was seed-borned and readily transmitted by green peach aphid (Myzus persicae Sulze) in a nonpersistent manner. Some physical properties of the virus in crude sap were determined thermal inactivation point, 55-60℃; dilution end point, 10^(-4)-10^(-5) and aging in vitro, 7-8 days under 20℃. Electron microscopy of leaf-dip preparations revealed that the virus was flexuous rod-shaped with a length of 750 nm. All these properties are very similar to those of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus reported in many other countries. Comparative SDS-immunodiffusion tests also proved that the virus was serologically identical to CAMV from Dr. Gonsalves of Cornell Univ., therefore, we concluded that the virus of asparagus bean mosaic in Taiwan is cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus. In the screen-house experiments, the virus caused significant reduction in the numbers of pods and seeds and in their dry weight on per plant basis for the tested asparagus bean cultivar, Kao-hsiung green pod.


