  • 期刊


Evaluation of Potato Tuber Families Immune to Potato Virus Y


自國際馬鈴薯中心引入50個對馬鈴薯Y病毒(PVY)具有免疫性的分離薯球族羣(tuber family),共2,810個薯球(每一薯球爲不同的營養系),各族羣大小不一,自8個薯球到127個薯球不等,分別在農業試驗所的田間與網室試種,並以人工汁液接種PVY觀察。田間種植者只有66%的採收率,其餘營養系(Clone)或不發芽或生長勢不良;採收時已生育114天,但仍有許多植株莖葉仍綠,依植株早生性,薯球性狀與產量,選留14%共計192個營養系,各族羣的單株平均產量最低爲190g/pl,最高爲915g/pl。 網室種植者有85%的採收率,發芽情況均較田間者爲佳,種植後一個月接種嵌紋系的PVY,由於品種的不同,對Y病毒反應也有所不同,接種後四週陸續在感病株上呈現葉片嵌紋、縐縮、捲葉、黃化及頂梢壞死等不同程度的病徵,各族韋的免疫株與感病株成3:1或1:1之分離情形,採收時,117天生育,仍寫營養系莖葉仍綠,且有二次生長情形;由於己淘汰病株,選留營養系比率較低,僅8%共131個營養系,各族羣的單株平均產量最低爲150g/pl,最高爲1100g/pl,各族草在田間或網室的平均產量呈不相關。 選留的三百餘營養系將在不同地點與不同季節就其抗病性與薯球性狀做更進一步的評估與篩選。




Fifty potato tuber families segregating for potato virus Y (PVY) resistance from International Potato Center were planted at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute and evaluated for virus resistance and yield and quality of tubers. Each family has half of its clones planted in open field and the rest in screen house where inoculation of PVY-mosaic strain was conducted one month after planting. Different types of symptoms including top necrosis, leaf rolling, mosaics and combination of the above, were shown in different clones starting one months after inoculation. The segregation of immune and susceptible clones in each family was either 1:1 or 3:1. Clones grown to harvest were 66% in open field and 85% in screen house of those planted. Based on the selection criteria of yield, tuber shape and uniformity and earliness, selection rates of clones were 14% and 8% in the field and screen house, respectively. The lower selection rate in screen house was due to the elimination of symptomed clones. Tuber yield ranged from 190 to 915 g/plant in the open field and from 150 to 1,000 g/plant in the screen house, showing significant variation among families and clones. No correlation was observed in tuber yield between field and screen-house experiments. Tuber specific gravity was similar for some selected families. The selected clones will be further evaluated in different site and season for their agronomic characters.


