  • 期刊


Effect of Interseason Cropping of Sesbania and Tillage on Corn Production under Rice-Corn System


在霧峰(本所)一處探討第一期作水稻後之田菁中間作及其處理方式(整地掩埋及不整地敷蓋)對秋作玉米生育,收量及氮需要量之效果。 一期稻作收穫數天前撒播之田菁生育迅速,到秋作玉米播種時乾物生產每公頃可達5公噸左右,含氮、磷酐、氧化鉀各約120、25、及90公斤。 此項田菁可以應用本所農場之『圓盤切割式玉米不整地施肥播種機』壓倒,同時施肥播種。壓倒後之田菁則成為玉米田之敷蓋物,對玉米之生育,收量及氮肥的節省均有顯著效果。不整地下表土之組孔隙率很低;pF1.5之氣相率只及5.2%,而有田菁中間作者則增為13.8%,顯著改善其通氣性。其pF1.5~pF3.0之水分率(即易有效水分率)亦略有增加,達15.4%。田菁中間作敷蓋區較對照區每公頃平均增產王米約400公斤,另可節省氮素約50公斤。 整地區之玉米生育較不整地區者略差,收量及氮肥之效應亦是較低。在施用磷酐60kg/ha下,整地區之玉米初期生育仍呈缺磷;其表土之粗孔隙率大(pF1.5之氣相率達28.5%),而易有效水分則低(pF1.5~pF3.0之水分率僅及12.2%)。中間作田菁以傳統方式掩埋對玉米生育、收量之效果,亦較不整地區以中間作田菁作敷蓋者差。


In the cropping system converting the second crop rice for corn, the paddy fields after the harvest of the 1st crop rice are either fallowed or planted with interseason crop during the summer season. (Corn is not suitable for cultivation during summer due to the rainy weather and typhoon harzards.) Sesbania roxburghii is a suitable green manure to be grown as an interseason crop. The Sesbania plants grow profusely and the dry matter yield of the shoot during the period from early July to early September amounts to 5.1 t/ha, which contain 107, 23 and 80 kg/ha of N, P2O5 and K2O respectively. The Sesbania plants were pushed down by a mechanized disk cutting type seeder. fertilizer applicator, which planted corn seeds and banded basal fertilizers aside the seeds simultaneously without tilling the soil. The control plot was planted and banded with fertilizers similarly except that no Sesbania plants had been grown on the plot previously. Herbicide was applied soon after the planting to kill the Sesbania plant and to control weeds. Another control plot was conducted similarly except that corn was planted under tilled condition and the Sesbania plants had been incorporated into soil before the planting. The growth of corn plants was much better in the plot with Sesbania mulching under no-till condition than in the control plots. The soil physical properties related to aeration and moisture retension was better, and nitrate content was slightly higher too in the former than in the latters. Consequently, the yield of the plot with Sesbania cropping & mulching was significantly higher than those of the control plots, besides the requirement for N fertilizer was much smaller due to the supply of nitrogen from the Sesbania residues. The interseason cropping of Sesbania and its disposition as mulching for corn under no-tillage is highly recommendable in the rice-corn system.


