  • 期刊


Studies on the Variability of Pod Length, Pod Width and Correlative Characters in Soybean Germplasm


以1989年春作栽培之種源為材料,採用分段取樣法,並依莖頂伸育型區分參試樣品為有限、半有限及無限型,調查莢長、莢寬、及百粒重等性狀,探討其變異、相關及在育種上可能利用之途徑。結果顯示: 1.莢長及莢寬之變域,在各型間頗為相近,但莢果面積及百粒重之變域,型間有較大差別。 2.除莢長、莢寬、莢果面積及百粒重等四個性狀的平均值呈有限>半有限>無限型外,其它八個性狀如莢數、粒數、子粒產量等均為無限>半有限>有限型。 3.種源分為三型或不分型時,其莢長、莢寬或莢果面積與百粒重均呈顯著關係。但分型時在有限型則有莢長及莢果面積與子粒產量呈顯著正相關,此一分型特性,值得評估。


The primary objective of this research was to study the variability of pod length, pod width and the characters correlated with them in soybean germplasm. Two hundred and seventy cultivars/breeding lines were subsampled from the 1,800 germplasm grown in 1989, and classified into three types. Characters such as pod length, pod width, pod area, and 100-seed weight, etc., were measured. Results were as follows 1. Both in the longest and the shortest regions of pod length and width, no differences were discerned among growth types. In contrast, considerable variations were found for the characters of pod area and 100-seed weight. 2. In the twelve measured characters, determinate type soybeans were distinctively in longer pod length and width and larger pod area and seed weight, followed by semi-determinate and indeterminate ones. The opposite trend was true for the other characters. 3. Pod length, width and area were found signigicantly correlated with 100-seed weight when analyzed in both classified and non-classified soybean plants. The results suggested that all of the three constitutions of pod size, i.e., pod length, width and area, are the effective indirect indicators for seed weigtht selection. Such selection can be applied in either classified or non-classified conditions. Futher, since pod length and pod area were significantly correlated with seed yield in the determinate type of soybeans under classified condition, the use of these two characters in estimating seed prodution is proposed.


