  • 期刊


Physiological Studies on 'Kyoho' Grape in Different Production Models


‘巨峰’葡萄以修剪進行三種處理:包括一年一收,分為夏果或秋果;及一年二收即夏果與冬果等。同時測定各處理間新梢生長量,漿果大小,漿果糖度含量(Brix),及結果枝條氮素與醣類的累積消長情形,以探討葡萄不同產期之營養生長與生殖生長間的生理變化。 ‘巨峰’葡萄從修剪至採收夏果需131天左右,秋果需91天,冬果需109天。夏收葡萄經早春修剪催芽後引發的生殖生長,於修剪後33天全氦含量達到最高峰(2.4%),為修剪催芽前(0.7%)的3.4倍;但秋果或冬果生產時氣溫較高,氮含量出現的高峰也較快,約在結果枝修剪後15天左右,此時新梢僅4~6公分,花穗未出現。不論是夏果、秋果或冬果生產,結果母枝經修剪後,澱粉含量逐漸下降並伴隨著可溶陸醣的增加。其變化趨勢為:夏果生產於剪後51天全碳水化合物出現第一次高峰(13.81%),至漿果採收時出現第二次高峰(24.22%),其含量較修剪催芽前樹體全碳水化合物的含量(23.22%)為高。樹體休養28天後全碳水化合物從5.58%提升至15.06%,此時進行二次修剪,14天後,全碳水化物含量又迅速下降,尚不及修剪時的一半量。不論一收或二收,修剪後的樹體皆會呈現此一類型的變化趨勢,本實驗證實修剪不但可以調節產期,且引發碳水化合物與氮含量的規則性變化。


一年二收 夏果 秋果 冬果 碳水化合物


Three production models were designed for 'Kyoho' grapes namely, one summer grape, one fall grape, and biannual grapes. The annual growth cycle of the vine, berry growth and development, and seasonal levels of nitrogen and carbohydrates were compared among 3 production models. The number of days of growth required for the maturity of summer grape was 131 days, 91 days for fall grape, and 109 days for winter grape. The cane pruning and bud forcing in early March triggered the reproductive growth of grape. About 30 days after pruning, (new shoot about 42.3 cm, flower cluster 5~7cm) total nitrogen contents reached to a maximun peak (2.4% on dry weight dasis) which was 3.4 times to that before pruning (0.7% on dry weight dasis), but it required only 15 days (new shoot about 4~6cm) for both fall grape and winter grape to reach the first nitrogen peak. After cane pruning, the starch gradually decreased with a concomitant increased in soluble sugar. Total carbohydrates showed two peaks, one on 51 days after pruning (13.81%) and another at berry harvest (24.22%). The carbohydrates content at the latter peak was higher than that before pruning (23.22%). The total carbohydrates were rapidly accumulated within 28 days after harvest, and it declined again after the second pruning. This study revealed that cane pruning and bud forcing not only adjusted harvest time but also induced regular changes of carbohydrates and nitrogen content.


Chang, B. M. (2010). 一年二收巨峰葡萄碳水化合物平衡模型之校準及模擬 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.02080
