  • 期刊


Comparison on Microsatellite DNA and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Markers for Germplasm Identification of Capsium annuum


本研究以源自歐洲、亞洲、北美、南美洲及澳洲等地區16個栽培國家的90個番椒(C. annuum)種原,探討以微衛星DNA(microsatellite DNA:ISSR)與逢機增殖多型性DNA(random amplified polymorphic DNA, RAPD)分子標誌,進行不同來源地區的同『種』內番椒種原之鑑別,並估測其歧異性。試驗結果顯示ISSR分析,可自5個引子的聚合酵素連鎖反應(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)產物中,獲得151個多型性片段;以RAPD分析時,自5個引子的產物中,則可獲得130個多型性片段。將ISSR或RAPD標誌的5個引子合併分析結果,均可使同『種』內90個品系完全鑑別。唯ISSR內單一引子SCRI 1418具有指紋比對之效力,可將同『種』內90個種原完全鑑別。以ISSR分析並估測不同來源地區番椒種原之歧異性,結果以澳洲種原之相似性係數為0.68最低,其次為瓜地馬拉種原之0.73,最高為義大利種原之0.82;以RAPD標誌估測不同來源地區番椒種原之歧異性,結果也以澳洲種原之相似性係數0.67最低,而以義大利及土耳其等地區種原之相似係數0.82為最高。試驗結果顯示,利用ISSR或RAPD分析均可標誌同『種』內不同種原之多型性,且對於不同來源地區種原之歧異性之估測亦有相似之結果。此兩種分子分析標誌均為簡單、省時又具效率之種原鑑定方式。


Ninety accessions of pepper (Capsicum annuum) germplasm collected from Europe, Asia, and Australia etc, were investigated and compared by using microsatellite DNA (inter-simple sequence repeat, ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Objectives were to assess genetic diversity and intraspecific polymorphism among pepper germplasm from 16 original countries. The results indicated that both two molecular markers had high degree plymorphism. There were 151 polymorphic bands produced by five primers using ISSR while 130 polymorphic bands produced by RAPD, and that also allowed 90 accessions to be distinguished. One of the primers of ISSR ”SCRI1418” showed more useful for fingerprinting of all the 90 accessions. Analysis of similarity by UPGMA (unweighted pair-group mean arithmetic) using the markers of ISSR and RAPD revealed results of both methods had closely related. The similarity coefficient calculated from the germplasm of Australia analysed by ISSR had the lowest value (0.68), while the Italy’s had the highest value (0.82). The similarity coefficient of Australia generated by RAPD also had the lowest value (0.67), and the highest was existed in Italy and Turkey. It is suggested that both ISSR and RAPD markers, in addition to being simple and time efficient, provides for rapid identification polymorphism within species of Capsicum annuum.


