  • 期刊


Studies on the Differences of Storage Proteins Content among Rice Varieties and Its Relationship to Palatability of Milled Rice


本研究利用47個水稻品種為材料,目的在探討貯藏性蛋白質在品種間的差異及其與食味間的關係,試驗結果發現Albumin的含量介於3.06~5.66 mg/g此白米粉末之間,平均含量為4.34 mg,約占白米貯藏性蛋白質8%;而globulin介於2.22~4.98 mg之間,平均含量為3.15 mg,約占白米貯藏性蛋白質5.8%;prolamin 含量介於0.98~3.76 mg之間,平均含量為2.11 mg,約占白米貯藏性蛋白質3.9%;glutelin介於25.36~71.76 mg之間,平均含量為44.4 mg,約占白米貯藏性蛋白質82.3%。至於四種貯藏性蛋白質總和之total protein含量則介於34~81.6 mg含量,平均含量為53.94 mg。四種貯藏性蛋白質含量的百分比以glutelin的含量最高,而albumin的含量次之,globulin的含量又次之,而prolamin的含量最低。不同類型水稻品種的比較分析中發現稉稻的albumin、glutelin和total protein 均顯著高於秈稻。日本稻、台灣稻、台灣秈稻、美國稻及IRRI稻五類經多重比較結果發現各類型稻間除貯藏性蛋白質prolamlin、食味官能評估特性中的香味及硬度等三項無差異外,其餘品質特性均有顯著的不同。至於貯藏性蛋白質與食味的相關分析結果則顯示稉稻品種中僅prolamin與食味官能評估特性有關係存在,它與外觀、香味、口味、黏度及食味總評均呈負相關關係。而秈稻亦僅albumin與外觀、口味、黏度及食味總評呈顯著的正相關。由於顯示秈、稉稻之貯藏性蛋白質與食味官能評估特性間的關係有所差別,亦即秈、梗稻中影響食味良劣的貯藏性蛋白質種類不同,所以在進行良質米育種時,似宜就秈、梗稻分別進行米質的選育工作。


貯藏性蛋白質 食味 水稻


In attempt to evaluate the differences of storage protein content among rice varieties and its relationship to palatability of milled rice, 47 rice varieties were available in this study. According to the results of analysis, the range of content of albumin, globulin, prolamin and glutelin was 3.06~5.66, 2.22~4.98, 0.98~3.76, and 25.36~71.76 mg/g powder of milled rice respectively. The average content was 4.34, 3.15, 2.11 and 53.34 mg/g for each storage protein mentioned above respectively. Thus, it showed that approximate 82.3% of the total protein was glutelin, 8 and 5.8% of the total protein was albumines and globulin, prolamin had the lowest percentage (3.9%) of total protein. It indicated that the content of albumin, glutelin and total protein of japonica rice varieties were significantly higher than that of indica rice varieties. No significant difference was found in prolamin, aroma and hardness of palatability of milled rice among the five different types of rice (Japanese rice, Taiwan japonica rice, Taiwan indica rice, American rice and IRRI rice) by multiple comparisons tests. However, there existed significant differences among those five different types of rice for albumin, globulin, glutelin, total protein, appearance, flavor, cohesion and overall sensory evaluation. There existed negative correlation between prolamin and appearance, aroma, flavor, cohesion, overall sensory evaluation of palatability of milled rice in japonica rice. Contrary, the significant positive correlation between albumin and appearance, flavor, cohesion, overall sensory evaluation of palatability of milled rice were found in indica rice. The reverse relationship between the storage protein and eating quality was found in japonica and indica rice in this study. In addition, the effects of different storage proteins on the palatability of milled rice were also different in japonica and indica rice. Therefore, it suggested that the breeding program for improving the quality of japonica and indica rice should be established respectively.


Storage protein Eating quality Rice


