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Studies on the Respiration of Economic Prawns in Taiwan-Ⅰ Oxygen Consumption and Lethal Dissolved Oxygen of Egg up to Young Prawn of Penaeus monodon Fabricius


本篇報告旨在探討草蝦之卵至其稚蝦期有關之呼吸問題,以期俾益於此蝦之繁、養殖工作,並作為嗣後進一步研究有關蝦類呼吸問題之參考,獲得如下之結果: (1)此蝦由卵至糠蝦期幼蟲之氧氣消耗量,藉密閉止水式測得之結果,眼幼蟲之第二期及糠蝦期幼蟲之第二期有明顯之突增現象,分別由0.10×10^(-3) cc/hr增至0.22×10^(-3)cc/hr及由0.31×10^(-3) cc/hr增至0.65×10^(-3) cc/hr。體重0.0008 g至 0.1 g之後期幼蟲,其氧氣消耗量(Y, cc/hr)與體重(X, g)成直線關係,為Y=0.00168+0.8206 X,至於0.1 g至1.5 g之稚蝦氧氣消耗量與體重則成指數曲線關係,為Y=0.6735 X^0.8811。 (2)此蝦之稚蝦氧氣消耗量隨着流速之增加而減少,流速增至10cc/min左右,其氧氣消耗量才趨於一定,此種現象體型較大之稚蝦比較小者更為明顯。 (3)此蝦之稚蝦氧氣消耗量在溶氧量4.0 cc/l以上時,隨溶氧量之遞減而減少,溶氧量在4.0 cc/l至3.0 cc/l之間時,其氧氣消耗量則隨溶氧量之遞減而增加,但溶氧量達3.0 cc/l以下時,其氧氣消耗量則又漸漸減少。故此蝦之呼吸型態依據Fry之定義,可歸屬於「調節型呼吸」。 (4)此蝦之稚蝦氧氣消耗量隨饑餓日敷之增加而降低。施予一天給餌一天不給餌之規則性絕食時,此蝦之氧氣消耗量亦呈規則性之變動,卽給餌之日其氧氣消耗量增加,不給餌之日則減少。 (5)此蝦之稚蝦氧氣消耗量隨水溫之升高而增加,而其水溫20℃至30℃之間之Q10値在1.7~3.6之間,至於氧氧消耗量與鹽度之間,則並無明顯之關係。 (6)此蝦之稚蝦致死溶氧量在鹽度20%時最低,為0.1 cc/l~0.2 cc/l,鹽度10‰與30‰時則無太大差異,為0.2 cc/l~0.3 cc/l。水溫在15℃至30℃之間,其致死溶氧量無太大差異,但以15℃及20℃時為較低,而達35℃時則明顯地增高。至於不同濃度之亞硝酸態氮(NO2-N)對此蝦之稚蝦致死溶氧量之影響為亞硝酸態氮50 μg-at/l時為0.21 cc/l,400 μg-at/l時為0.30 cc/l,因此,其影響可謂不大。 (7)綜觀本次諸項試驗結果,此蝦繁殖過程中,維持充分之氧氣為不容忽視之要件,尤其是在眼幼蟲之第二期及糠蝦期幼蟲之第二期。飼育水維持3.0 cc/l以上之臨界溶氧量為佳,至於其鹽度則似以20‰左右為宜,水溫則不宜高達35℃。




The culture of Penaeus monodon has received much attention in recent years. Many basic studies concerned should be made before more advanced culture technique can be established. The present study is the first part of a series of studies on the respiration of some economic prawns in Taiwan. Experiments on the oxygen consumption and the lethal dissolved oxygen of various stages from egg to young prawn of P. monodon were done. The results obtained are summarized as follows: (1) The increase in oxygen consumption of the egg up to the mysis stage was most significant in the 2nd zoea stage and the 2nd mysis stage. The relationship between oxygen consumption (Y, cc/hr) and body weight (X, g) was estimated as fo11ows: Y=0.00168+0.8206 X for the post-larvae weighing from 0.0008g to 0.1g. Y=0.6735 X^0.8811 for the young prawn weighing from 0.1g to 1.5g. (2) The oxygen consumption decreased as the flowing water velocity increased, and approached a constant level when the velocity was about 10 cc/min. This phenomenon was more significant in the large prawn than in the small one. (3) The respiration of the P. monodon belongs to the type of ”regulating respiration”. The oxygen consumption increased significantly when the dissolved oxygen was below 4.0cc/l, and reached a peak when the dissolved oxygen was about 3.0 cc/l. Further decrease in the dissolved oxygen was accompanied by a sudden fall in oxygen consumption. (4) The oxygen consumption kept decreasing as starvation continued. However, it fluctuated with the periodic starvation of feeding every other day, i. e., it increased as feed given and decreased as starved. (5) The oxygen consumption increased as water temperature was increased, and the Q10 value ranged from 1.7 to 3.6 when the water temperature was from 20℃ to 30℃. As to the relation between oxygen consumption and salinity, it was found that there seemed to be no obvious relationship between them. (6) At salinity of 20‰, the lethal dissolved oxygen was low, being 0.1 cc/l~0.2cc/l, and at salinity of 10‰ and 30‰, it was higher, being 0.2 cc/l~0.3 cc/l. Again, it was low at water temperature from 15℃ to 30℃, but significantly high at 35℃. As to the effect of the Nitrite-N on the lethal dissolved oxygen, it might be considered as small for the value was only 0.3 cc/l at 400μg-at/l of Nitrite-N.




