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Swordtip Squid(Loligo Edulis)Behavior in Response to Light in Water Tank

水槽內鎖管(Loligo Edulis)對燈光反應行為之時序列分析



布氏銀帶鰶(Encrasicholina punctifer Flowler,1938)與島嶼銀帶鰶(Stolephorusinsularis Hardenberg,1933)屬於沿岸迴游性魚類,廣泛分佈於熱帶與亞熱帶太平洋與印度洋中。爲瞭解紅樹林河口域浮游生物量與仔稚魚的攝食策略之關係,自一九八九年十月至一九九○年十月,每月於淡水河口採集浮游性生物與仔稚魚,以出現法與計數法分析這兩種銀帶鰶的食性。結果發現,植物性浮游生物藻華分別出現於春至秋季,而動物性浮游生物則只出現在春、秋兩季。布氏銀帶鰶與島嶼銀帶鰶仔稚魚的大量出現時期爲春、秋兩季與夏末秋初,與浮游性生物間存在食物利用依賴型關係。整體而言,兩種仔稚魚對橈腳類、枝腳類、磷蝦與軟體動物幼生爲正向偏好選擇;而對輪蟲、藤壺幼生、原索動物幼生與多毛類幼生爲逆向選擇。兩種銀帶鰶在秋季有明顯的食物利用的重疊現象。文中並探討種間攝食競爭及其如何適應問題。


Encrasicholina punctifer Flowler 1938 and Stolephorus insularis Hardenberg 1933are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical Indian and Pacific Ocean.Tounderstand the adaptable feeding strategy of larval fish in relation to seasonal productioncycle of plankton in subtropical mangrove estuary,fish larvae and plankton weremonthly collected around one year from Oct.1989 throght Oct.1990.Feeding habitsof the fish were analyzed by occurrence and numerical methods.Three bloom periodsof phytoplankton in spring,summer,and autumn and two for zooplankton in springand autumn were found,respectively.The larvae of Encrasicholina punctifer occurredin large number in spring and autumn,while Stolephorus insularis in late summerand early autumn.The food exploitation of the larvae are density dependent.Thelarvae of these two species have similar prey selectivtiy;positive selection for copepoda,branchiopoda,euphaussidae,and mollusca larvae;negative selection for rotifer,Balanussp.,and larvae of protochordata and polychaeta.Diet overlap was found among thesetwo anchovies larvae in autumn.Adaptation for same habitat between these two speciesis discussed.
