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The Problems and Challenges Associated with World Trade Organization Accession Faced by Taiwan's Fishing Industry



本文討論因應世界貿易及投資自由化之趨勢潮流,以及臺灣加入世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)後,臺灣遠洋和沿近海漁業所面臨之間題與挑戰。本文首先敘述臺灣漁業之現況及其未來展望,臺灣遠洋漁業因其目前市場結構和產業組織,所受的衝擊較為小;惟對於臺灣近海和沿岸漁業的衝擊将會很大,特別是漁民的生計與就業。其次是臺灣漁產品的進出口現況及其未來展望,目前漁產品的平均名目關稅率為28.9%,加入WTO的第一年後,将降至20.2%;加入第六年後的平均名目關稅率則為17.4%。由於關稅的降低,在未來幾年內的漁產品進口量與值預期是會明顯的增加。本文亦說明臺灣漁產品進口之規定及其管制之產品種類。最後,本文討論臺灣鮭魚和鱈魚進口產品之運銷通路和冷凍漁產品消費之趨勢。展望未來,臺灣遠洋和沿近海漁業的發展将會是市場反應導向和對環境負有責任的趨勢。


Taiwan has concluded bilateral negotiations on all fishery products with almost all of the 26 interested World Trade Organization (WTO) members (counting the European Union (EU) as one member). Except for regulations concerning poisons associated with puffer fish, Taiwan applies import controls to only four kind of fishery products: mackerel, carangid fishes, sardines (including herrings and anchovies), and squid. Upon joining the WTO, Taiwan will eliminate its direct import control regulations and impose tariff rate quotas on these products. For the first six years after joining WTO, imports within the set quota limit will enjoy lower tariffs than imports exceeding the quota. After the six years period, the tariff rate quotas will be eliminated and the overall tariff schedule will be reduced further. Taiwan's present average nominal tariff rate for fishery imports will decrease from 28.9% to 20.2% within one year of joining the WTO. After six years of membership, the tariff rate will decrease further to 17.4%. As a consequence, the value of total seafood imports is expected to grow in the near future. We discuss managing fisheries resources from a conservation standpoint. We argue that responsible resource management and free trade are inherently compatible. We forsee that Taiwan fishing industry will have to become more market responsive as well as environmentally responsible.
