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Comparison on Nutritional Condition and Recent Growth of Japanese Anchovy Larvae in Different Waters off Northeastern Taiwan






RNA/DNA比值 耳石 湧昇流 黑潮 日本鳀


This study intends to assess the effect of water mass on the growth and nutritional condition of Japanese anchovy, Engraulis japonicus, larvae. The anchovy larvae were collected from the southern East China Sea (SECS), upwelling water (UWW) and Kuroshio (KUR) off northeastern Taiwan on March 1996. Their somatic growth, otolith growth and RNA/DAN ratios of anchovy larvae were measured. The growth rate of body and otolith in length were significantly greater in the SECS than in the UWW and KUR. The nutritional conditions of anchovy larvae were expressed by RNA/DNA ratio and the width of last two otolith increments in this study. Larvae from the SECS showed better nutritional condition than from the KUR and UWW. The estimated daily protein growth rate and recent otolith growth were significantly higher in the SECS than the SECS and UWW. It is suggested that the higher primary production in the SECS and there fore resulted in faster growth and better nutritional condition of the anchovy larvae.


Kuroshio Larvae Otolith RNA/DNA Ratio Engraulis Japonicus
