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Growth,Mortality and Recruitment of Trachypenaeus Curvirostris in the Western Coast of Taiwan

臺灣西部沿岸產彎角鷹爪對蝦(Trachypenaeus Curvirostris)之成長、死亡及加入型態研究


本研究利用1992年2至7月間,連續6個月之月別體長頻度資料以ELEFAN法,來估計台灣西部沿岸產彎角鷹爪對蝦(Trachypenaeus curvirostris)之季節性成長參數、死亡率及加入型態。應用雌雄體長頻度分佈擬合季節性本托蘭裴成長方程式(von Bertalanffy growth equation),其結果分別如下:(1)雌蝦:極限頭胸甲長L(下标 ∞)=35.60 mm,成長參數K=1.2(year^(-1)),C=0.95 and WP=0.05;(2)雄蝦:L(下标 ∞)=32.40 mm,K=0.96(year^(-1)),C=0.95 and WP=0.05。利用季節化體長轉換漁獲量曲線估計其全死亡係數Z,雌雄結果分別為3.62(year^(-1))和3.11(year^(-1))。利用Pauly (1980)之經驗式,估計自然死亡係數M,雌雄分別為2.32(year^(-1))及2.04(year^(-1));漁獲死亡係數F利用Z=F+M之關係式估求,其雌雄值分別為1.30(year^(-1))及1.07(year^(-1))。加入型態分析結果顯示,彎角鷹爪對蝦每年具有兩個強度約略相等之加入群。


Seasonal growth, mortalities and recruitment pattern of Trachypenaeus curvirostris in the western coast of Taiwan were examined using 6 monthly length-frequency data (February 1992 to July 1992) and analyzed with the ELEFAN methods. Parameters of the seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth equation obtained are (1) K(growth coefficient) = 1.20 year^(-1), L(subscript ∞)(asymptotic length) = 35.60 mm carapace length (CL), C(amplitude of seasonal growth oscillation) = 0.95, WP (winter point) = 0.05 of year for females; and (2) K =0.96 year^(-1), L(subscript ∞) = 32.40 mm CL,C = 0.95, WP = 0.05 for males. Total mortality obtained through length-converted catch curve with seasonality for females and males are3.62 and 3.11 year^(-1), respectively. The natural mortality obtained from empirical equation of Pauly (1980) is 2.32 year^(-1) for females and 2.04 year^(-1) for males. Fishing mortality is1.30 year^(-1) for females and 1.07 year^(-1) for males. The annual recruitment pattern obtained by back-projecting these length frequency samples onto an arbitrary one-year time axis showed that recruitment occurs in two pulses of approximate equal strength.
