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Different Profiles of Cadmium-induced Binding Proteins at Early Stages of Tilapia Larvae (Oreochromis mossambicus)



許多研究皆已證實在不同發育階段之仔魚,其對重金屬鎘的敏感度不相同。而且我們之前的研究也發現,剛孵化之吳郭魚仔魚(H0)對鎘的耐受力比孵化第三日之仔魚(H3)高,主要是因為它們之金屬硫蛋白的表現能力不同之緣故。但是由於在H3的仔魚其鎘累積量比H0之仔魚高,我們預期H3之仔魚的鎘可能是結合在其它之重金屬結合蛋白質之緣故,因此我們將H0和H3之仔魚,分別以35 ppb之鎘浸泡24小時後,分別利用膠體管柱層析法(gel filtration chromatography)分離,並以不同分子量之濾膜終斷法(cut-off lilter)來分離鎘誘導之金屬結合蛋白質。結果顯示,H3比H0之仔魚顯著的含有較高比例,分子量在10-30 kDa的蛋白質。同時在H0之仔魚於膠體管柱層析法分離的峰型中,可得到相似之圖形,但是在H3則呈現不一致之狀況,這些結果,我們推論是因為鎘已造成H3之仔魚生理不正常之緣故。


Many studies have confirmed that various stages of larval fish have a different sensitivity of cadmium (Cd). In our previous report found that tilapia larvae had higher Cd(superscript 2+)-tolerance in new-hatching larvae (H0) than that of 3-days-old larvae (H3). A higher Cd(superscript 2+)-accumulation in H3 larvae was caused by the inability of MT (metallothionein) expression, suggesting mostly Cd(superscript 2+) may bind to other binding protein. Therefore, H0 and H3 larvae were incubated in 0 and 35 μg/l Cd(superscript 2+) media for 24 h. The homogenate of larvae was subjected to gel filtration chromatography and then loaded on different molecular-weight cut-off filter after extract process of binding-protein. Results showed that the fraction of molecular weight between 10 and 30 kDa proteins was significantly higher in H3 larvae than that of H0. After gel filtration, four broods of H3 larvae compared with H0 did not show identical patterns. The results suggest that (1) different percentage and form of metal binding proteins maybe express in H0 and H3 larvae, or that (2) the inconsistent patterns of Cd(superscript 2+)-binding protein and Cd(superscript 2+) content in H3 larvae are due to abnormal physiological condition caused by waterborne Cd(superscript 2+).
