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Estimation of Growth Parameters and Age Composition for Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the Western Pacific Using the Length-Based MULTIFAN Method



本研究於2001年9月至2002年10月間,按月至屏東縣東港魚市場蒐集台灣近海鮪釣船所漁獲黃鰭鮪的體長樣本,再利用MULTIFAN體長頻度分析法來估計西太平洋海域黃鰭鮪的von Bertalanffy成長參數以及黃鰭鮪各年齡的平均體長(mean length at age)。由不同假設之各樣本分析所得的最佳結果為month 1=4月,體長樣本數為12(併合成一年),體長區間為3公分;其von Bertalanffy成長參數:K(成長係數)=0.392 yr^(-1),L(下標 ∞)(極限體長)=175.0 cm,t0(體長為零的理論年齡)=0.00306 yr;共可分離出6個年齡群(age classes=6),各年齡的平均體長為:L1=56.16 cm、L2=95.00 cm、L3=120.95 cm、L4=138.48 cm、L5=150.32 cm、L6=158.32 cm;估計之最大壽命(t(下標 max))為7.65歲。


黃鰭鮪 年齡 成長 體長頻度分析 MULTIFAN


Length-frequency data of the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) caught by the Taiwanese offshore longline vessels was collected monthly at Tungkang fish market between September 2001 and October 2002. These samples were used to estimate the von Bertalanffy growth parameters and the mean length at age for yellowfin tuna by the length-based MULTIFAN method. Twenty-four cases were considered and the best match was found in the case when April was set as month 1, the sample number was merged to 12 by month and 3 cm was selected for length interval. In this case, the von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated as growth coefficient K=0.392 yr^(-1), asymptotic fork length FL(superscript ∞)=175.0 cm, and theoretical age at zero length t0=0.00306 yr. Six age classes were identified and mean length at age was L1=56.16 cm, L2=95.00 cm, L3=120.95 cm, L4=138.48 cm, L5=150.32 cm, and L6=158.32 cm. The estimated longevity (t(superscript max)) was 7.65 y ears.


