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Effects of Changes in Sea Surface Temperature on Fluctuation in Larval Anchovy Resources in Coastal Waters of Taiwan



本研究分別以臺灣西南及東北沿海1981-1999年之鯷科稚魚月別漁獲量資料轉化為月別鯷科稚魚單位努力漁獲量(Catch per unit of effort; CPUE),作為鯷科資源變動量之指標;並以此二海域之月別衛星表水溫離均差(SSTA),作為環境變動之指標。利用頻譜分析(Spectral analysis)與簡諧方程式(Harmonic function)來表現兩因子之變動趨勢,以闡明氣候變遷對鯷科資源之影響。結果顯示,西南沿海鯷科稚魚CPUE之中期變動與SSTA呈反相變動,而東北沿海鯷科稚魚CPUE與SSTA則呈同相變動。由漁獲量魚種及漁期分析顯示,東北沿海秋漁期之漁獲大於春漁期,漁獲魚種以公鯷屬(Encrasichlina)為優勢,而西南沿海則春漁期漁獲量高於秋漁期,以日本鯷(Engraulis japonicus)為主;而日本鯷可能是大陸沿岸流所帶來之冷溫性魚種,反之公鯷可能是黑潮所帶來之暖溫性魚種,故兩漁場資源量指數與溫度呈現不同相位之變動關係。分析中亦顯示1990年後西南沿海之SSTA與CPUE之變動亦趨向同步變動現象,亦即漁獲魚種轉變為秋漁期公鯷屬為主,這與CPUE、SSTA長期趨勢表現同步之現象吻合。


Monthly CPUEs of larval anchovies and monthly sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) from 1981 to 1999 were analyzed with the spectral analysis and the harmonic function analyses for the northeastern and southwestern coastal waters of Taiwan. The results showed that f or 3.4- and 4.6-year cycles, CPUEs fluctuated with SSTA in the opposite phase in the southwest coastal waters, but had in-phase fluctuation in the northeast coastal waters. The autumn fishing season in the northeast waters had higher catch than that of the spring fishing season, with the Encrasicholina as the main species. In the southwest coastal waters, however, the catch in the spring fishing season was higher than that of the autumn fishing season, with the Engraulis japonicus as the main species. The Engraulis japonicus is a cold-water species, migrating with the China Coastal Current, whereas the Encrasicholina is a warm-water species migrating with the Kuroshio Current. CPUE and SSTA showed different phases in fluctuation between the two fishing grounds. Since 1990, Engraulis japonicus catch decreased while Encrasicholina increased in the southwest region.


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