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Three Species of Bomolochus Claus, 1864 (Copepoda: Bomolochidae) Parasitic on Marine Fishes of Taiwan

於台灣海水魚體上的三種屬於盜魚蚤科,盜魚蚤屬(Bomolochus Claus, 1864)的寄生橈足類


台灣沿海所產的7種海水魚體上,發現三種屬於盜魚蚤屬(Bomolochus Claus, 1864)的橈足類寄生在鰓絲或鰓腔壁上。此三種寄生蟲與其寄主為:B. selaroides Pillai,1965寄生於紅尾圓鲹,Decapterus kurroides Bleeker;B. megaceros Heller,1865寄生於烏鯧,Parastromateus niger (Bloch);B. minus n. sp.寄生於5種底棲魚類:黃金鰭魚或Chrysochir aureus (Richardson),曳絲鑽嘴Gerres filamentosus (Cuvier),頓頭叫姑魚Johnius amblycephalus (Bleeker),皮氏叫姑魚J. befengerii (Cuvies),以及斑鰭白姑魚Pennahia pawak (Lin)。前兩種為台灣的新記錄種,而第三種為世界新記錄種,此新種之特徵在於肛節與尾肢的腹面不具棘列。


Three species of bomolochid copepods belonging to the genus Bomolochus Claus, 1864 were found parasitic on seven species of marine fishes caught and landed at fishing ports in Taiwan. They are parasites of the gill cavities occurring either on the gill filament and/or on the gill cavity wall. The three species of parasites and their hosts are: B. selaroides Pillai, 1965 from the redtail scad, Decapterus kurroides Bleeker; B. megaceros Heller, 1865 from the black pomfret, Parastromateus niger (Bloch); and B. minus sp. nov. from five species of demersal fish: the Reeve's croaker, Chrysochir aureus (Richardson); the whipfin silverbiddy, Gerres filamentosus Cuvier; the bearded croaker, Johnius amblycephalus (Bleeker); the Belanger's croaker, J. belengerli (Cuvier); and the Pawak croaker, Pennahia pawak (Lin). The first two species of parasites are recorded for the first time from the waters of Taiwan. The new species is characteristic in lacking the patches of spinules on the ventral surface of the anal somite and caudal rami.
