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Winter Distribution and Composition of Ichthyoplankton Associated with Thermal Front on the Continental Shelf of the Southern East China Sea



本研究在2005年3月7~8日期間,於東海南部海域設立橫跨陸棚之測線,希望藉以了解冬季浮游魚類組成及分布與水文環境溫度鋒面之關係。結果顯示,溫度及鹽度之最大梯度分別為0.15°C/km和0.099 psu/km,其位於測站2~3之間。研究期間,總計檢視了1,388尾仔稚魚,分屬於49科57類,以花腹鯖(46.1%)、真魚參(12.6%)、日本鯷(7.2%)、鈍尾鰕虎魚屬(6.3%)和暗色燈籠魚(4.9%)為主要優勢魚種。經由Bray-Curtis相異指數聚集分析顯示,鈍尾鰕虎魚屬主要分布於鋒面西側之沿岸水域,花腹鯖、真魚參和暗色燈籠魚則是分布在陸棚邊緣之混合水域,日本鯷則主要分布於二種水域間。


仔稚魚 黑潮 溫度鋒面 台灣


Our study of ichthyoplankton with oceanic observation on the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea was conducted on March 7 to 8, 2005. The maximum temperature and salinity gradients, about 0.15oC/km and 0.099psu/km respectively, were found between stations 2 and 3. A total of 1,388 fish larvae representing 49 families and 57 taxa were collected. Scomber australasicus, Trachurus japonicus, Engraulis japonicus, Amblychaeturichthys spp., and Myctophum asperum were the five most abundant taxa and accounted for 46.1, 12.6, 7.2, 6.3, and 4.9% of the total samples in numbers, respectively. Amblychaeturichthys spp. were most abundant in the coastal waters, while S. australasicus, T. japonicus, and M. asperum in the mixing waters of the shelf. E. japonicus dominated in the transition zone between these two waters. S. australasicus was dominant in yolk stage and E. japonicus and T. japonicus in pre-flexion stage. The dominant stages for Amblychaeturichthys spp. and M. asperum were pre-flexion and flexion. Using the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, the eight most abundant identified taxa from 8 stations were classified into three species and three station groups respectively. Interpretations of ichthyoplankton diversity and distribution in relation to the thermal front were given.


Fish larvae Kuroshio Thermal front Taiwan


Chen, W. Y., Wang, Y. C., & Lee, M. A. (2012). Early-Summer Ichthyoplankton Biodiversity Associated with Oceanic Factors on the Continental Shelf of the Southern East China Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(6), 698-706. https://doi.org/10.6119/JMST-012-0727-1
