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Composition and Toxicology of Bile Salts in Various Animals



在亞洲地區的民眾相信食用動物的膽汁,可以達到明目和解毒等滋補養生之效果,但在臨床上不乏民眾食用後中毒,導致腎衰竭或傷肝的案例,動物膽內膽汁酸的組成,依不同種類的動物會有所不同,這些特異性對於動物之肝膽方面的疾病診斷中扮演重要的角色。膽汁酸是陸地動物中的主要部分。但是,膽醇是一些淡水魚中的主要膽汁酸成分,在本篇回顧的文章中,將介紹膽汁酸在動物體內中的生化代謝,及膽酸和膽醇的毒性比較,膽酸和膽醇食用後都會引起中毒,導致腎衰竭或傷肝的症狀產生,膽酸中的ursodeoxycholic acid已經在臨床上被使用的一種藥物,ursodeoxycholic acid使用的劑量在13-15毫克/公斤/每天是屬於安全的劑量範圍內,並可用於治療膽結石等相關的疾病,所以如果要使用動物膽來當做藥物來使用還需要再進一步的研究,因為動物膽通常是具有毒性的。


膽酸 膽醇 腎衰竭 老鼠 肝功能障礙 毒性影響


In Asia there is a popular belief that ingestion of animal bile may improve health. However, cases of poisoning often occur. The profile of bile component is various depending on animal species and important in the diagnosis of hepatobiliary diseases. Bile acids are major components in terrestrial animals, but bile alcohols are major components in several freshwater fish. In this review, the metabolism of bile compounds in animals is described and the toxicological difference of bile acids and bile alcohols is compared. Both bile acids and alcohols cause liver and renal dysfunctions while bile alcohols are more toxic than bile acids. Ursodeoxycholic acid in doses of 13-15 mg/kg/day is a safe and cost-effective treatment for patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. The medicinal use of animal juices needs further study because of their toxicity.
