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Reproductive Potential of Mud Crab Scylla tranquebarica (Fabricius, 1798)



研究鋸緣青蟹的雄蟹與雌蟹的最小成熟體型分別為125 mm及129 mm。依據性別比,月份分析,寬度分析與重量分析顯示,雌蟹具有最高值的族群比雄蟹少。生殖腺體指數最高與最低分別為11.5及5.1,有兩個繁殖高峰分別為3月到7月及10月到11月。產卵量約280萬(體型137 mm)到546萬(體型158 mm)。剛擠出卵的顏色橙黃色逐漸變為橙色,棕色,黑色。從新生成的卵,到多細胞階段,眼階段,心跳階段,孵化前期,週期為9到12天。


鋸緣青蟹 繁殖 胚胎發育 多產


The reproductive potential of the mud crab Scylla tranquebarica studied with the size at first maturity in male and female was 125 mm and 129 mm, respectively. In the sex-ratio, month-wise, width-wise and weight-wise analysis, the highest size groups had a low number of females when compared to males. The gonado-somatic index (GSI) values were highest 11.5 and lowest in 5.1, respectively, which exhibited two peaks one between March to July and another in October to November and were considered as the actual breeding seasons. Fecundity ranged from 2.8 million eggs (137 mm) to 5.46 million eggs (158 mm). The colour of the egg, immediately after extrusion is yellowish orange, gradually transforms to orange, brown and black colours. The incubation period is 9-12 days, which includes newly spawned egg, multicell stage, eye stage, heartbeat stage and prehatching stage.
