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Effect of Salbutamol Supplementation on Growth, Muscle Protein Mass and Residue Salbutamol in Muscle of Hybrid Tilapia



本研究使用實用飼料添加沙丁胺醇(腎上腺素乙型受體素俗稱瘦肉精的一種)投餵雜交吳郭魚進行12周之養殖試驗。六組試驗飼料分別含4與8%油脂,各油脂含量下分別添加0、15以及30 mg/kg的沙丁胺醇。使用體重50~60公克吳郭魚為對象,每桶20尾魚以三重複分配飼料。試驗結果顯示各試驗組之間的增重率、飼料利用率、肝體比以肌肉組成皆無顯著差異(p ≥ 0.05)。停止投餵含沙丁胺醇飼料20日後,吳郭魚肌肉之沙丁胺醇含量約降低40~70%。依據本研究結果顯示,沙丁胺醇並不會促進雜交吳郭魚的成長也不會增加肌肉蛋白質的含量。故飼料中添加不合法之沙丁胺醇對台灣雜交吳郭魚養殖產業並無助益。


A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary salbutamol supplementation on growth and fillet protein content of hybrid tilapia, Orechromis niloticus × O. aureus, at 2 dietary lipid levels. Hybrid tilapia fish of 57.4 ± 2.2 g were distributed in triplicate to 500 L tanks at stocking density of 20 fish/tank. Fish were fed experimental diet formulated with practical ingredients containing either 4 or 8% lipids, and supplemented with 0, 15, or 30 mg/kg salbutamol for 12 weeks. There was no significant difference (p ≥ 0.05) in growth performance, feed utilization, hepatosomatic index, and muscle composition among fish fed different experimental diets. About 40~70% reduction in muscle salbutamol is observed when the fish were withdrawn from salbutamol for 20 days. According to this study, supplementing salbutamol in tilapia diet neither improved growth performance nor enhanced fillet quality of hybrid tilapia. Therefore, there is no benefit to use this illegal repartitioning agent in hybrid tilapia diets.
