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Stomach content analysis of Etrumeus micropus in the coastal waters of Penghu off Taiwan in late summer

晚夏時期澎湖沿海水域之小鱗脂眼鯡(Etrumeus micropus)之胃內容物組成


In this study, we investigated the feeding ecology of Etrumeus micropus, which is a major commercial fishing and coastal fish species in Penghu during late summer. We collected a total of 93 samples from the coastal waters of Shuchiaoyu, Penghu, between August 2015 and October 2015. The fork length and body wet weight of samples ranged from 107.88 to 172.17 mm and from 12.13 to 75.93 g, respectively. Regarding the degree of stomach filling, the percentage of empty stomachs decreased and that of full stomachs increased with an increase in body length over time. The dominant prey categories found were fish, Mysidacea, and crab zoea (index of relative importance = 6512, 4542, and 1086, respectively). The feed of E. micropus changed over time, not with the body size. The index of relative importance of Mysidacea in the diet of E. micropus over 3 months increased with time, indicating their importance as prey for E. micropus. Regarding biological diversity, the distribution of feed types was more uniform when the body size was large but did not exhibit any correlations with body size or date.


小鱗脂眼鯡(Etrumeus micropus)為近沿海小型魚類,是沿岸海洋生態系中食物鏈能量傳遞的重要物種之一。本研究旨在調查澎湖四角嶼水域之小鱗脂眼鯡的胃內容物組成。採樣時間為2015年8月至10月間,並按月於魚市場隨機採樣。本研究共採集93尾樣本,其尾叉長與體重分別為107.88-172.17mm、12.13-75.93g之間。胃飽滿指數有隨著時間或體長大小而改變的趨勢。根據餌料生物之相對重要性指數結果來看,本研究期間之優勢餌料生物為魚類(IRI=6512)、糠蝦類(IRI=4542)及蟹類幼生(IRI=1086),其中魚類又以龍占魚科為最優勢種(IRI=277)。攝食的餌料生物種類組成會隨著時間不同而改變,糠蝦類的相對重要性更隨著時間而逐漸增大;而餌料生物組成卻無隨著魚體大小而改變。再就胃內容物之生物多樣性指數變動觀之,各餌料生物間的數量會隨著時間及體型大小而相對均勻,但攝食種類卻沒有規律變化。
