  • 期刊


Synthesis of Monodisperse Silica Particles


本研究是將四乙氧基矽烷(TEOS)在乙醇溶液中的水解及縮合反應並以氨水爲催化劑,在不使用任何分散劑的情況下製備單分散SiO2粉體。探討使用不同的反應溫度、不同的反應時間、不同的TEOS起始濃度、不同的反應物比例,進而使用多次加料(multiple addition)的方法,對合成SiO2粉體的粒徑、表面積、型態及堆疊排列結構的影響。實驗結果顯示要有良好的SiO2顆粒自主排列情況,必須要有大小十分相近的顆粒。隨著反應時間增加,顆粒粒徑增加,表面積也隨之減少,但是反應時間增加太多,卻也明顯增加SiO2顆粒彼此之間大小的差異,因此排列情況變差。反應溫度高,將產生較小的SiO2顆粒。本實驗中以取12.2ml 96% TEOS加入200ml 95%乙醇,於室溫下攪拌10分鐘,加入15.4ml 28% NH4OH,在所需的反應溫度下反應2小時所合成的SiO2顆粒(330nm),粒徑非常一致,外形呈均勻球形,排列規則且整齊,並形成最密堆積。另外,實驗顯示多次加料(multiple)加入反應物的次數要少,最好只加入大量的TEOS,如此即可合成粒徑大,外形呈均勻球形,排列規則且整齊的SiO2顆粒;目前已達到650nm。


We synthesized monodisperse SiO2 particles without dispersant by adding tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and ammonia as a catalyst in ethanol to hydrolyze and condensation. We discuss how reaction temperature, reaction time, TEOS concentration and using multiple addition method affect SiO2 particle diameter, surface area and packing structure. The experiments show that SiO2 particles with small size distribution can be self assembled into closed packed well order structure. When the reaction time increased, the particle size was increased and its surface area was decreased. If the reaction time was too long, the particle size distribution was increased and an ordered structure was not formed. The particle size decreases with increasing temperature. We obtained monodisperse SiO2 particles (330nm) by adding 12.2 ml 96%TEOS to 200 ml 95% ethanol ,mixing for 10 min and then adding 15.4 ml 25% ammonia that can be packed into ordered structure. To obtain large size particles, we need to add TEOS in large quantity with few addition steps. The largest particle size with ordered assembly has been synthesized so far is 650 nm.


Hsieh, H. Y. (2008). 摻雜錳之矽酸鋅/氧化矽殼/核微球之合成與光閘晶體(PBG)光譜之分析 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.02456

