  • 期刊


Reproductive Ecology and Parental Care of Phytotelm-Breeding Anurans


植物集水池(phytotelm,複數:phytotel mata)意指由植物體的部分構造盛接雨水而形成的“植物上的小水池”。形成植物集水池的植物種類及構造相當地多樣,樹洞、竹筒、竹節的破洞、鳳梨科及棕櫚科植物的葉腋或花序、豬籠草等食蟲植物的瓶狀葉、堅果殼及板根上的凹陷處…等,皆能構成盛水的容器,盛接雨水後即形成在樹上或地面上的小水池。至今發現至少有9科44屬103種的蛙類會利用植物集水池作為生殖場所。雖然植物集水池通常無大型掠食者存在,對蛙類的卵及蝌蚪叫來說,是相對較安全的環境,但是植物集水池也通常是一個非常年有水,且水量小、溶氧低、食物量低的特殊微棲地。在植物集水池生殖的蛙類其生殖方式演化出許多策略適應這樣的生殖環境,本文針對其產卵方式、蝌蚪食性及親代撫育形式等做一個簡單的綜合論述。文中並介紹台灣的蛙類中會利用植物集水池生殖的兩個物種之生殖及親代撫育形式。


A phytotelm (plural phytotelmata, ”plant-held waters”) is a small body of water that found on a land plant. The water containers of phytotelmata consist of some parts of plants, such as tree holes, bamboo internodes, open coconuts, leaf axils or bract axils of inflorescences of bromeliads and plams, tree buttress, and pitchers of carnivorous plants and etc. At least 103 species (belong to 9 families, 44 genuses) of frogs have been reported to reproduce in phytotelmata. Large predators are absent in phytotelmata which are thought to be a relatively safe microhabitats for frog eggs and tadpoles. However, food availability is unpredictable in phytotelmata, and water availability is usually temporary, small-amount, and low-oxygen. Here I review the oviposition sites, tadpole diets, types of parental care of the frogs, and how these strategies help them to overcome the life challenges in phytotelmata. Finally, I introduced two species of frogs that breed routinely in phytotelmata in Taiwan.


Anuran parental care phytotelm reproductive mode tadpole
