  • 期刊


Analysis on the Simulation of Dynamic Sliding Process for the Lishan Landslide in Central Taiwan


台灣中部梨山地區位居中橫公路中點,為一典型之舊崩坍地滑區,地質屬第三紀亞變質岩,岩層破碎,主要係由厚層板岩、千枚岩及崩積土所組成,間夾有細粒砂岩與粉砂岩,劈理發達,並有梨山斷層穿越,民國七十九年四月中旬,因連日豪雨而發生地層滑動,曾造成台七甲線(中橫公路支線)73k +150再次發生崩坍,其下滑路段長約60公尺,致使交通中斷。經調查獲知其滑動地區落差高達300公尺,面積達230公頃,影響範圍廣大。本研究對梨山地滑區46處滑動塊體中選擇編號為B-1~B-5、B-9、B-10、及B-24~B-26等10個滑移嚴重地滑區,進行其二維與三維度之地滑區動態滑移模擬分析,及其滑動塊體之位移模擬,據以評估自1984年至今所顯現之整冶成效,以期能提供後續梨山地滑整治與土地利用管理之參考。


Lishan, a famous scenery place of Taichung County, located at the middle section of Central Cross-Island highway. It has been recognized as an old landslide spot by the government since 1960+. The geological formation stratum was composed of fractured slate and colluvium. In April, 1990, heavy rainfall was continuing to last several days and caused a soil mass movement with a 60m in length on TAl 7th road at 73km + 150. At that time, the traffic system was totally disconnected to everywhere. Field investigations showed that the height of slumping was almost 300m with total 230 ha of sliding area in Lishan region. Ten significant sliding soil masses such as B-1~B-5, B-9~B10, and B-24~B-26 were chosen from 46 sliding blocks of Lishan which were used to simulate the time-dependent processes of two and three dimensional sliding disaster area. The Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to help integrate and process all the results which can be applied to assess the working efficiency of Lishan landslide stabilization since 1984. It is expected that dynamic simulation result on Lishan landslides will help develop reasonable land us e planning and land slide control for Lishan area.
