  • 期刊


Development of Stratum Permeability Models through Artificial Neural Network




The purpose of this study is to develop a prediction model for predicting and calculating the permeability by training the back propagation neural network with the geophysical well logging data and the core permeability data. In this study, the collected core permeability data from three wells were used as the target values of the output layer parameter. The well logs data including the natural gamma ray log, the deep induction resistivity log, the spherically focused resistivity log, the caliper log, the compensated formation density log and the compensated borehole sonic log were used as the input layer parameters. Three permeability prediction model (three different combinations of input layer parameters, hidden layer neurons, and output layer parameter) had been constructed. The best prediction model was the 『4-5-1』 model which included 4 input layer parameters, 5 hidden layer neurons, and 1 output layer parameter. The Prediction ability of the neural network model is batter than that of the optimal genetic algorithm model.


Well Logs Neural Networks Permeability
