  • 期刊


Effect of Addition Ratio of Weakly Coking Coal on Low Moisture Coal Blend


低水分煤料可以改善產出焦炭的品質,也可以增加廉價的弱冶金煤比率,使生產成本降低。煤料調濕系統(Coal Moisture Control System)為必要引進的設備,為了評估其效益,必須事前探討該系統可能帶來之好處。本研究乃針對該系統可能之效益以及未來操作所需之配料方案,進行探討,以建立明確之資料,供評估之用。以選定爾後可能之變動因子為基準,採用田口實驗法設計試驗範圍,進行500磅煉焦試驗。從所獲結果建立預測弱冶金煤添加之比率,作為操作調整之依據。最後根據前述試驗結果,再進行驗證試驗。透過試驗之執行,所獲得結果整理如下:1.以目前煤料水份9-9.5%計,低水份6%煤料可增加煉焦爐之加料量,估計可增加4%以上,以中鋼整體用料來計算,每年可增產約17萬公噸。2.在實驗條件範圍內,額外添加12%弱冶金煤並不會使焦炭品質變壞。


The low moisture content of coal blend can improve the coke qualities, and increasing weakly coking coal ratio in coal blend can reduce the cost. A coal moisture control process (CMCP) will be introduced to China Steel Corporation in the near future. This research was aimed to evaluate the possible benefit as well as the required operation adjustment due to introducing CMCP. After deciding the possible factors, an experimental design was used to proceed the experiment in a 500lb coke oven. The results was obtained as follows: 1. If the moisture of coal blend can be reduced from the current 9-9.5% to 6%, the coke productivity can be increased by 4%. 2. Under the experimental conditions, extra 12% weakly coking coal can be added to the current coal blend without deteriorating the coke qualities.
