  • 期刊


Study on the Driving Forees of CO_2 Emissions for Energy Intensive Industries in Taiwan


民國80年至90年間我國二氧化碳排放量約成長80%,工業部門佔此增加量的55%。其中,六大耗能產業(鋼鐵、石化、電子、人纖、造紙、水泥)佔工業部門總排放量的75%。因此,掌握影響耗能產業二氧化碳排放的主要因素,以有效達成減量政策目標,為政策研擬時之關鍵。本文應用「二階KLEM投入產出結構分解法」(two-tier KLEM input-output structural decomposition analysis; KLEM I-O),從最終需求、要素替代、技術進步及進出口貿易變動等驅動力,分析民國80-90年間六大耗能產業的二氧化碳排放趨勢,及其對二氧化碳排放量變動之影響,以作為減量政策研擬的參考。


Taiwan CO_2 emission increased by approximately 80% from the years 1991 to 2001. The CO_2 emission from the industrial sectors amounts to 55% of the increase. Among the industrial sectors, the iron & steel, petrochemical, electronic, textile, pulp & paper and cement industries account for approximately three quarters of the total industrial CO_2 emission. Therefore, understanding contributing factors responsible for the increasing CO_2 emission in the six industrial sectors is critical in establishing CO_2 emission policy. This paper applies two-tier KLEM input-output structural decomposition analysis (KLEM I-O) to analyze the influence of end requirement, alternating factors, technical progress, and trade variant on the energy intensive industries' CO_2 emission from 1991-2001. The analysis results revealed that many influential factors impact CO_2 emissions in varying degrees in each sector. Some of these findings should be useful for establishing effective CO_2 emission policy.
