  • 期刊


Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Three Types of Rock




熱膨脹 熱傳導 高溫 岩石


This study aims to investigate the thermal and mechanical properties of three types of rocks. Granite, marble and sandstone were heated to different elevated temperatures for two hours and were cooled to room temperature. The thermal and uniaxial compression tests were performed on these samples to determine their thermal conductivity and thermal expansion. The uniaxial strength, elastic modulus, and Poisson's ratio were determined from the tests. Results show that the marble has the highest thermal conductivity and the sandstone the lowest. The mineral composition and porosity are responsible for the difference in thermal conductivity. This study finds that the thermal expansions of rock samples increases with increasing temperature while the uniaxial strength, elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio decrease with an increase in temperature. This study demonstrates that the fundamental thermal and mechanical properties of rocks change after the thermal treatments.
