  • 期刊


A Feasibility Study of Developing Deep-seawater Based Indigenous Bioresource


本研究以東海岸豐富可再生利用之海洋深層水為基礎來進行本土生技產品、再生能源及生物資源之開發研究。首先取定對照組淡水或土壤(例如:蚯蚓)及實驗組海水生物(例如:鳳螺)腔腸中菌相生態作為篩選基礎,再設計不同篩選條件策略(例如:在土壤中加入不同種類染料,或是改變鈉鹽濃度),於微生物純化及篩選過程中,以微生物染料脫色作為電子轉移之指標活性來進行篩選,並對生物產電及不同機能性產物之生產能力來進行可行性評估,以作為未來生物材料(例如:生物可分解性高分子)、生質能源(如微生物燃料電池)之開發研究。馴化培養過程中,先由腔腸中佔優勢微生物生態中,來篩選出具有可資利用之功能菌相(株),並由結果與先前研究(Chen et al., 2011;2012)本土淡水水體及土壤篩選出之功能性菌株來進行特性差異比較,以作為後續本土可再生資源再利用之永續研究分析。


The goal of this study is to develop a new field of deep seawater (DSW) biotechnology and to explore domestic, renewable energy and bio resources for Taiwan's sustainable development. With the perspectives of green technology, this study used naturally-occurring organisms fed with (un)treated DSW from Eastern Taiwan to explore the feasibility of using such bio resource for industrialization. First, we inspected the effects of various assorted nutrients with DSW on metabolically functioning cells and species evolution in guts of naturally-occurring organisms. Bacteria isolated from guts of model organisms (i.e., earthworm (e.g. Eisenia fetida) and Taiwanese Babylon (e.g. Babylonia areolata)) were then used to assess the feasibility of renewable bioelectricity generation (e.g., microbial fuel cells or MFCs) and production of biodegradable materials (e.g., polyhydroxyalkanoates or PHAs). Under appropriate acclimatization for microbial cultures, the evolution of microbial ecology was explored via PCR-DGGE analysis. We found a potential use of DSW for development of green energy and biodegradable materials of naturally-occurring organism(s).
