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Evaluation on the Environmental Impact from Large Scale Landslides Induced by Extreme Rainfall Occurred at Remote Mountainous Communities in Southern Taiwan


依據聯合國政府間氣候變遷委員會(IPCC)所提出的報告明確指出1950年代以後,人類活動對於地球環境所造成的影響,導致全球暖化對世界各國之環境生態、人文社會、產業經濟等各層面造成劇烈衝擊。尤其台灣地處環太平洋地震帶與北太平洋副熱帶季風區,加上近年來因全球氣候變遷所引致之極端降雨事件頻傳。致使坡地土砂災害日益加劇,嚴重影響台灣各級產業發展,且以具高潛勢災害風險之南台灣偏遠山區聚落環境受創最為嚴重。依據行政院災防會報告,全台灣有12個縣市具有偏鄉山地聚落,以南投縣37處聚落最多,佔全省17%,南臺灣所轄嘉南高屏等縣市偏遠山區聚落約佔全台灣之24%,將近有50處。而近年來大規模土砂災害均大多集中發生於南台灣之偏遠山區聚落,以2009年8月之莫拉克颱風重創南台灣,造成高雄縣甲仙鄉小林村之全村掩埋慘劇死亡人數達426人,其所挾帶之雨量,於山區連續三天之累積雨量高達2450 mm,約占全年山區平均降雨量3500 mm之70%,因而造成獻肚山250餘公頃之大規模土石崩落土方達2503萬m^3,其連續二天累積最大降雨量達2361 mm均已逼近世界極端降雨紀錄之2467 mm,另依成大防災中心統計資料顯示,南台灣偏遠山區聚落周圍之崩塌處數由2011年之359處已逐年增加至2015年之652處,崩塌總面積高達1078.4公頃,此對偏遠山區聚落環境安全造成極大威脅,因此為期降低大規模土砂災害對於南台灣偏遠山區聚落居民之生命財產危害度,相關聚落之居住環境安全調查評估、災害發生類型與誘因、環境脆弱度分析,坡地水(地)文環境變遷分析等均屬本研究之調查研究重點,尤其目前高潛勢風險致災區大多位於南台灣偏遠山區聚落,此已成為不得不嚴重面對之事實而必須採取因應對策,進行其環境脆弱度分析與極端降雨特性分析,進而研擬具體可行之調適策略,以及強化偏遠山區自主防災體系之建立、方足以提升南台灣偏遠山區聚落之自主防災/耐災力,降低其致災風險與致災規模。


According to the report (1990) proposed by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicated that Climate Change caused by Global Warming has a detrimental effect on the environmental ecology, cultural system, industrial growth, human society and national economic development all over the world since 1950. Taiwan is located at Pacific-rim area and belongs to the sub-tropic to tropic weather characteristics. Recently, extreme rainfall resulted from climate change to induce large-scale landslide disasters(LSD)is critical in Taiwan. There are almost 24% of total remoted mountainous communities in Taiwan were occupied by Chiayi,Tainan,Kaohsiung & Pingtung counties/cities with the amount of 50 remote communities recorded in southern Taiwan. Most of these communities were frequently attacked by typhoons likes Morakot on August 2009, which brought the accumulated heavy rainfall more than 2450 mm within continuous 72 hours. This accumulated rainfall amount record of Morakot typhoon was almost closed to the extreme rainfall of 2467 mm world recorded by France Weather Bureau. This extreme rainfall has triggered off LSD to destroy the environment systems, agricultural productions, human lifes, and public facilities. More than 652 landslides with total area of 10784ha were induced by LSD which were investigated by Disaster Prevention and Research Center (DPRC), National Cheng Kung University. To decrease the risk of large scale landslides attack these remoted mountainous areas, the adaption strategy of environmental conservation, hazard mitigation system, environmental vulnerability analysis and disaster risk assessment should be executed as soon as possible. According to the disaster historical record indicated that most of the remote mountainous communities located at southern Taiwan attacked by LSD was significant. Meanwhile, study on the impact assessment of LSD induced by extreme heavy rainfall become an important issue which was seriously concerned by Taiwan government. This project was focused on the impact and assessment of large scale landslides disasters caused by extreme heavy rainfall due to global climate change. This research were concentrated on the regions of Chiayi,Tainan,Kaohsiung & Pingtung counties/cities. The impact of LSD would be positively concerned as an important issue by this research. Hopefully, all results can be used to enhance the disaster prevention capability of autonomous communities in southern Taiwan.


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