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The Profiles and the Radiocarbon Ages of Charcoal in Colluvium as Indicators of Taiwan Alpine Environmental Change




The charcoals, which were the remnants of wildfires, were often found in the alpine colluvium of Taiwan. In this study, 14C dating of 35 charcoal samples and the characteristics of colluvium profiles at the sampling sites were used to discuss the possible evolution of alpine environment. Results showed that all samples were younger than 4,500 yr BP.; the highest frequency of dates was in the period from 4,500 to 3,500 yr BP., and the frequency was gradually decline in the last 3,500 years. The colluvium profiles had similar characteristics, the charcoal was always reserved in the fine-grained material layer which was often covered by coarse-grained material layer or the present topsoil, and had the coarse-grained material layer underneath. It revealed that the wildfires were always occurred in the stage of minor material accumulation, and there were always the major material accumulation events took place before and/or after that. All of the dating ages indicated that the wildfires and the climatic conditions were unrelated, and these ages and the characteristics of the profiles both can reflect vegetation recovering and the surface processes after deglaciation. Therefore, the suggested alpine environmental change model depending on geomorphological conditions can be divided into three stages: the first stage from 6,000 to 4,500 yr BP. is unstable and the second stage from 4,500 to 3,500 yr BP. is transition, and the latest stage from 3,500 yr BP. to preset is stable.This study inferred that the alpine environment had been just recovered from glacial environment before 4,500 yr BP., the land surface which covered with rock fragments and sparse vegetation was characterized by the intense periglacial processes. Even the wildfire occurred, the charcoals were easily eroded and hard to be reserved. From 4,500 to 3,500 yr BP., the wildfires increased because of the better vegetation cover and the charcoals were easily reserved by the fine material which removed by the processes of slope wash after wildfire. In the last 3,500 years, the quantity of charcoal was decreased, it was owing to the developed topsoil which reduced the erosion and the charcoals were hard to be reserved as well. Therefore, alpine colluvium profiles and the appearance of charcoal in the colluvium layers can regard as the result of overall environmental changes.


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