  • 期刊

高速鐵路車站特定區空間開發之結構歷程分析 新自由主義都市治理案例研究

Structuration of Taiwan High Speed Rail District Development A Case of Neoliberal Urban Governance




This study adopts second-hand data, policy documentation and literature to develop a basic understanding of the land and regional development of the Taiwan high speed rail district, and thereby understand the discourse and dialogue of structural elements and agency. The political economy and the characteristics of capital for the spatial governance of Taiwan's high speed rail districts is characterized by neoliberalism. The construction of Taiwan High Speed Rail is a complicated process, involving economic restructuring, finance, legality, land use regulations and both local and non-local stakeholders. The planning, building and operation processes, the active involvement of executive officers, legislative bodies, local political entity, capitalists and local people, demonstrate a neoliberal model for governance of transport-oriented development. The development of the high speed rail station districts is characterized by spatial power manipulation, spatial governance and capital flow based on land development and public-private partnership. While the economic and financial conditions of high speed rail station districts seem clear, land development is complex and highly contested. Financial pressures have led to the development of new concepts and methods for developing the special districts. The popular image of high speed rail districts as a gateway to a city or as the core for local development means that they may pull capital flows and stimulate complex development. This study analyzes institutional mechanisms for developing a high speed rail special district in light of neoliberalism. Both actors and structure elements are crucial for characterizing high speed rail districts. The changes are made through many factors and policies involving dynamic interactions of structural and active elements.


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