  • 期刊


Interpretations and Constructions of Landscape Narratives: The Experimental Narrative Operation for the Cultural Landscapes of Taipei's Shezi Island




This research is grounded on the theory and methodology of landscape narrative, and employs ethnographical fieldworks and story collection to experimentally construct a landscape text of Taipei's Shezi Island. Dissimilar to the linear writing of general chorographic history, the narrative strategy and open-end nature of landscape narratives intentionally incorporate pico-narratives and plots of everyday life that are often overlooked by the grand narrative of history, and pay special attentions to the excluded others of local power relations and master planning from the perspectives of cultural politics. The landscape narrative of Shezi Island unfolds through a long scroll to explore the social conditions of the local residents and the spatial realities of extant settlements, and, via the dialectics of roots vs. routes, bolsters the possibilities of constructing landscape narratives as a mode of action research or of landscape planning and design.


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