  • 期刊


On the Legal Processes of Engineering Technology Consulting Profession in Taiwan


政策法制化過程、圖說資料之整合及工程技術相關法規與規範之認知,爲工程技術專業人員應具之知識,尤其不同類科技師所涉及不同領域之法規與規範均不相同,所涵蓋不同領域之法規與規範,是否能配合圖資之整合,皆對公共工程之品質管控具有絕對性的影響。故落實推動相關技師簽證制度及貫徹簽證之責任,法規自可作爲工程技術顧問業或工程顧問服務業達到「藍海策略」之理想及發揮「雁行理論」之作用。 測量品質會直接影響規劃設計的品質,而規劃設計的內容主要係依據測量之結果,規劃設計的品質又影響施工及營建的品質,故整體工程生命週期的每個階段都有其重要性,也包括監造品質在內。就如「機器理論」,各個階段不但環環相扣且相互影響,故工程測量、規劃、設計、施工、監造之專案團隊必須避免有本位主義之執著,才能統合專業人才並彙集各類科專業之知識管理。發揮「機器理論」整體之效能及效率,必可有利於發揮專案團隊統合之能量,並提昇工程測量、規劃與設計之品質。


Policy legal processes and integration of information and the awareness of project regulation are the pre-requisites of project engineering. Furthermore, instituting and enforcing the Engineer Certification programs should help promote standard upgrade. The development of an engineering regulation framework can make success repeatable and failure avoidable. The development of the system is the implementation of the ”Blue Ocean Strategy” and the ”Flying Geese Model”. In a project life cycle all phases are intertwined but the initial phase of surveying has a direct impact on the subsequent planning and design phases. To ensure a successful outcome, it is essential that the project team members set aside egoism and biases to work towards fusing the synergy from multiple disciplines by harnessing the wealth of ”Knowledge Management”. A well managed project team is like a well-lubricated machine; each member is functioning at his full potential and is therefore conductive to meeting project's high expectation.
