  • 期刊


Research on Development and Application of Close-range Photogrammetry Cloud Service System - Taking Highway Slope as an Example




Taiwan is located at the aggregation boundary of the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate. It is mountainous, geologically young and has frequent earthquakes and the influence of the northeast monsoon and the southwesterly airstream and the summer typhoon, it often causes the slope to collapse after the sudden heavy rain, which in turn causes road blockage or human car damage. In order to maintain the safety of the highway slope, the highway management agency shall, in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulations for the Maintenance and Management of Highway Slope Land Engineering Facilities" issued by the Ministry of Communications, carry out various inspections on the road slopes managed by them. However, in practice, due to the wide range of slopes and the undulating terrain, the relevant inspection operations require a large amount of manpower, and the inspection results are not easy to quantify, and the overall performance is also insufficient. This study develops a close-range photogrammetric cloud service system to expand the application effect. The system provides users with the ability to obtain the image of the roadside slope monitoring area by means of a handheld or UAV payload camera, and then upload the image to the system for automatic three-dimensional service. Provide monitoring point analysis, comparison, query and display functions, provide simple to quantify the surface data of the slope, assist the visual inspection as the main deficiencies of the inspection, and improve inspection and management efficiency.
