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Some Variants of Card Guessing Game




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A deck of cards consisting of m red and n black cards is given. A guess is made as to the color of the top card, after which it is revealed and discarded. Continue guessing until the deck is exhausted. To maximize the number of correct guesses one chooses the color corresponding to the majority of cards remaining in the deck. Recently, Knopf-macher and Prodinger (2001) and Sulanke (1995) determined the expected number of correct guesses with this strategy by using different techniques. In this paper, we pro-pose two variants of this game. In the first variant, the player can use one time of SOS at any card. After using an SOS at some card, this card will be revealed and discarded, and the total number of correct guesses increases by one. Moreover, the guessing game in which the player can use t times of SOS will also be investigated. For each of these two guessing games, we will find the optimal strategy and the corresponding expected number of correct guesses. Finally, we study another variant that restricts the number of guesses of each color. In the restricted guessing game, we prove that the expected number of correct guesses does not depend on the guessing strategy.


Expected number optimal strategy SOS


Knopfmacher, A.,Prodinger, H.(2001).A simple card guessing game revisited.The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.8(2),#R13.
Sulanke, R. A. (1995). Guessing, ballot numbers, and refining Pascal's triangle. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

