  • 期刊


The Valuation Analysis of Floating-rate Life Insurance Policy embedded with Surrender Options under Stochastic Interest Rates




This paper provides the fair valuation of a floating-rate life insurance policy embedded with surrender options under the stochastic interest rate model. This paper proposes a recursive formula to implement the backward computation and a two dimensions tree structured by the Conditional Expectation method to value the fair premiums of floating-rate life insurance policy. By using the proposed algorithm, we analyze the factors affecting the value of premiums and surrender options. Numerical analysis indicates that high interest rate volatility enhances both the premiums and surrender options values entitled to the policyholder. Moreover, when the value of segregate asset account has a high degree of volatility, the premiums of floating-rate life insurance will decrease and the value of surrender options will increase. Finally, the higher the correlation coefficient between the interest rate and the value of segregate asset account, the lower the premiums of floating-rate life insurance, conversely, the higher the value of the surrender options.


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