  • 期刊


Studies on the Factors of Chlorophyll Formation in Green Asparagus (First Report)


由嫩莖葉綠素含量來看,UC 66、UC 55、Mary Washington及UC309爲適合綠蘆筍生産之品種。直徑細小之嫩莖在單位重量所含綠素量雖較粗大者爲高,但其外表顔色並無差異。嫩莖長度愈長則其葉綠素含量愈高,與曝光時間之長短呈下相關。下午採收之嫩莖含葉綠素較上午採收者高。晴天採收也較陰天高,但嫩莖頂段之差異不大。土壤條件與雌雄株對葉綠素含量影響不大。留莖採收構成遮蔭,影響光照,不利嫩莖葉綠素之形成,但爲顧及産量仍需留莖。




1. Comparing with the size and chlorophyll content of green spears of testingvarieties, it is obvious that UC 66, UC 500, Mary Washington and UC 309 are more desirable than ethers. As to UC 309 we would confirm that bigger spears made themselves on excellent variety also, though they are with lower chlorophyll content. 2. In general, the small grade spear with more tips has more chlorophyll content than the bigger one, but the color of both grade spears. is approximately the same. 3. Under Taiwan subtropical climatic condition, the days required for cutting green spears and the time needed for spears exposed to the sunlight are both shorter then it is cultivated in the temperate zone. So that the longer the green spears are harvested the more the chlorophyll content per unit is found. 4. Testing en the suitable time of harvesting spears, we find out that a higher quantity of the chlorophyll content per unit weight of green spears harvested in the afternoon (15:00) is obtained than it is harvested in the morning (9:00). Hence, for the shake of getting better color, we recommend to harvest spears ire the afternoon. 5. From the studies on flee chlorophyll contents in green spears between staminate and pistilate plants, there were of little significance. Therefore, it is unnecessary to recognize whether it is a staminate plant or a pistilate plant when the plant is being set. 6. The type of soil is considered an a factor which might affect the chlorophyll formation in green spears, but the result has been made that the chlorophyll content of spears between sandy and sandy loam soils was less significant. 7. It is obvious that the chlorophyll content in green spears are highly affect by the reservation of mother stalks during the harvesting season. The result of this study indicates that without mother stalk during harvest is the best way to improve the chlorophyll formation in green one. But, according to the past results it is believed that either white or green ones has to reserve a few mother stalks for nourishing the plant growth and improving the size and quantity of spears as well, therefore, further studies on the optimum number of mother stalk during harvest which should be retained are still demanded.


