  • 期刊


Bionomics Observation and Integrated Control of Citurs Psylla, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama


根據最近報告凡有柑桔木蟲分布區域,概有柑桔菌質病(Mycoplasmalike disease)存在,此病目前尚無法防治,但已證實係由柑桔木蟲所傳佈,柑桔木蟲在臺灣北部並無越冬現象,一年可繁殖8~9代,卵斯3~9天,若蟲斯9~31天,產卵前期17~30天,產卵斯30~80天,成蟲壽命長達100天以上。無嫩芽時,成蟲吸食老葉維生,有嫩芽時方產卵繁殖,幼小嫩芽上如卵粒與若蟲多時,往往中途乾枯脫落。整枝損失,以若亦呈畸形發育。柑桔木蟲一年中發生消長情形,依柑桔發芽整齊程度及速度而不同,颶風及人爲修剪等機械刺激,常促使新芽萌發,有利於柑桔木蟲產卵繁殖;又如綠簏月橘,隨時修剪,終年萌芽,實爲其繁殖之溫床。天敵僅有柑桔木蟲跳小蜂(Psyllaephagus diaphorinae Linet Tao),寄生若蟲體內及於產卵前取食若蟲體液之雙重控制,較爲有效,但嗣後有重複寄生蜂寄生且密度頗高。目前各種氣烴化合物及有機磷劑,對柑桔木蟲均有防治效力,惟不如塗刷10%愛速靈爲安全可靠,因其不傷害天敵,同時亦可防治嫩芽葉溍蛾及各種蚜蟲等。處理之柑桔如發育整齊,開始萌芽時,塗刷一次,即可保護整個嫩枝葉而避免其爲害




Citrus psylla, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama is a vector of mycoplasmalike disease of citrus it widely distributes n citrus growing area of South-eastern Asia as far to Mauritius and Brazil. Its bionomics and the integrated control have been observed and tested in field. Results are summarized below. Citrus psylla might have 8 or 9 generations a year, it took 3-9 9-31, 17-60, 30-80 and 100 days to complete egg, nymph, preoviposition, oviposition and adult developments respectively. When the tree sprouted, the adult laid eggs on the buds. It took out the nourishment from the bud after hatching. If the nymphs were crowded, that might cause the bud dry up, fall down and lose complete foliage or at least developed into abnormal foliage. Without bud the adult stayed under the leaf blade and fed until new bud came out. Therefore the appearance of eggs and nymphs were entirely depending on the time of bud appearance. Typhoon damage or irregular pruning might cause the budding of citrus, this was good for the development of this insect. A green hedge plant Murraya paniculata, was found as a main host because of the new buds sprouting year round. This is the fact that this insect could have a good chance of survival and multiplication. A new encyrtid wasp, Psyllaephagus diaphorinae Lin et Tao was observed as an effective endo-parasite. Insecticides which commonly used for controlling other citrus insects such as many kinds of chlorinated hydrocarbon, organic phosphorous compound and carbamates were also effective to citrus psylla but not completely. 10% azodrin was selected to brush onto the bark at base of branch encircled as 2-3 times of its diameter when sprouting. It was the most effective control method compared with conventional spray as mentioned above. If the budding was not uniform, the further application was needed. This bark treatment had other advantages of the harmless on natural enemies of citrus psylla and others. It could also control other young foliage insects as citrus leaf miner, aphids etc., and never built up citrus red mite population.




