  • 期刊


A Study on the Floral Structure and Blooming Habit of Carrot


一、胡蘿蔔對於日照和溫度極具敏感作用,低溫12℃以下,日照不足(十二又二分之一)小時時,有強力抑制抽苔作用,如日照超過13小時以上,固可促進抽苔,若溫度達25℃時,不利開花,故研究花器之發生,胡蘿蔔是屬於低溫(18~20℃),長日照(13小時以上)植物。 二、胡蘿蔔花器之構造,有一定之形態,但構造上之特別,爲繖形花科植物上之特點;不但花器小而多,且密集聚合成堆,故每天在開花時,遇有陰雨連綿或雲霧遮天,二室子房,雨水常易停留,易失去受精力。 三、分裂果成熟時,能自然裂開,藉撑果柄頂出外面,易隨風吹散失,故採收種子時,可不待枯熱,八分黃熱時,就可收種,並應分次採收爲妥。 四、一株胡蘿蔔,如生長環境良好,土地肥沃,任其自然發展,四次分枝,大花輪可多達247個以上,小花數合計在十萬朶以上;但第三、四次側枝上所發生之花輪,所開之小花,均花而不實,留種子時,宜儘量疏去,以節省養分消耗;若適當密植,可自然抑制第三、四次側枝之發生,爲最有效之方法。 五、胡蘿蔔之花期,若以主枝花輪3月15日吐蕾算起,至第四次側枝花謝時爲止,全期長達75天;如至第二次分枝種子枯熟收穫,6月26日結束爲止,全期需要101天。




1. The occurrence of numerously small flowers clustered in groups is the feature of floral structure of carrot plant. Due to the floral characteristics, the chambers of the ovules are usually filed with water, especially during blooming stage when rainy and cloudy days are prevail, it, thus, makes fertilization impossible. 2. The schizocarp of carrot plant bursts when it has matured. Seeds break of f the schizocarp by means of carpophore and are lost by wind. Hence, seeds should be harvested before. The proper time of harvesting has been found starting from yellow ripe stage. During that stage, several harvest may take place. 3. Under favorable climate and high soil productivity one carrot plant may have fourthly lateral branches with more than 247 axes for bearing flowers. The number of flowers usually exceeds 100,000 However, flowers formed on the tertiary and the fourthly lateral branches are always fruitless. 4. The flowering period of carrot plant is around 75 days if it is calculated starting from the flower formation on the axis of the main Stein <middle of March) to the end of flowering on the axes of the fourthly lateral branches. However, a total of 101 days is required if the calculation is made from the beginning of flower formation on the axes of the main stern to the dead ripe of seeds from secondary lateral branches.


